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Xander Hughes joins peewee ice hockey program, promptly gets ejected


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It only took the three year old Xander twenty three minutes to get kicked out of his first taste of ice hockey. After he already dangled the opposing team and sniped one and then unleashed a fierce celly, he took it upon himself to make sure his teammates were up to his standards.


Many parents heard Xander yelling obscene things, things that no three year old should know. One parent told us that he called one of the kids a f*ggot for not passing him the puck. The parents were very upset with the coach, who is Xanders dad. "I don't see a problem with it. He's just venting his frustration, and besides, he's only three." Matt told us. 


Midway through the second period, as the opposing team brought the puck up ice, Xander charged in and flattened Connor Jurein, the center from the other team. After this hit, the refs tried to pick Xander up off of Connor, but Xander kept pummeling Connor and the refs weren't strong enough to handle Xander. They eventually had to tag team him and tickle him to get him off.


"It's terrible for the game. You won't be seeing Xander here anymore" the refs said after the game.


"It's horseshit. I mean, this stuff happens in the NHL all the time. Why can't they just the three year olds play? I don't get it, people are getting so soft nowadays." Matt said. We will wait to see if Connors parents sue Matt.



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34 minutes ago, Matt_O said:

the refs weren't strong enough to handle Xander. They eventually had to tag team him and tickle him to get him off.

So you’re telling me two grown men can’t handle a 3 year old

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