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Raleigh Ritchie Press conference

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1. What made you want to join the VHL?

2. Any goals for your player in his first season?

3. Favorite NHL team?

4. What other sports do you enjoy, and what teams do you like?

5. Would you rather win but have bad stats or lose with great stats?

6. If you could add 10 years to your dogs life but take away 10 years from your own life, would you do it?



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3 minutes ago, Matt_O said:

1. What made you want to join the VHL?

Wanted a league where I can actually have some success because apparently I suck at sim basketball, also It'll be nice to be just a player again instead of a AD/GM, and I just like the sim league community so wanted to try something new

3 minutes ago, Matt_O said:

2. Any goals for your player in his first season?

Score 30+ goals, I have no idea how feasible that it because I know next to nothing about hockey but looking at the stats the top guys are at like 45 so with enough minutes it seems possible.

3 minutes ago, Matt_O said:

3. Favorite NHL team?

Haven't got one.

3 minutes ago, Matt_O said:

4. What other sports do you enjoy, and what teams do you like?

I don't tend to watch much live sports but I pay attention to basketball and professional CS.

3 minutes ago, Matt_O said:

5. Would you rather win but have bad stats or lose with great stats?

In my early career I think I'm gonna go out and just try to score as many goals as I can for fun so that's focus number one. I know the cliche of team-winning over everything but I think I'm gonna turn that on it's head for this player, he wants big stats and lots of goals.

3 minutes ago, Matt_O said:

6. If you could add 10 years to your dogs life but take away 10 years from your own life, would you do it?

10 healthy years sure, my family had to recently put down the family dog so if it was 10 more healthy years for my dog then yeah I'd do it. 



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