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Captain Russia

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The Moscow Menace recently had their first ever change in leadership since its its joined the league. With Gruebaur seemingly going MIA, stunning the young team. It was not totally clear who would be named captain, would they go to Komarov someone who will never be a star, but willing to bleed for his home land? Or one of their future stars guys like Jaguar, or the new vets in town like Weyad. When the announcement was made it would be Komarov the home fan base was estatic. A russian who takes no shit from anyone, someone who stands up for his team mates.


 This season has been Moscows best to date, currently leading the European conference. They are not taking it for granted either realizing they may hit a few road bumps still as a young team. They are taking in the lessons, as they come but would not be shocked to see if they fall and go back to where many predicted battling for a wild card slot. 


That being said, its been a quiet season for the Russian who seems to have lost some of his game this year, as he has been evolving for the team. Make no mistake he still fights, and still hits like a truck playing like any shift could be his last. However, it seems the focus lately on offense has hurt his overall game, instead of producing higher results its been rather poor so far. However, he continues to support his team on the ice, and never gives up on shifts. Leading by example because that's what the best captains do.  Cast, Sterling, Weyed seem to have breathed new life into the roster, with Jaguar, Komarov, Nano still growing and doing their thing well. May still continues to experience some growing pains, but he is taking everything in stride as a young goalie. Pavlovs, switch to defense has been a tough one but he has really helped the break out. Baille, Vineauglt, and Randoms have also really done all that is asked for them, all at different stages of their careers they have bought in to the coaches system aiding a roster pushing for its first ever playoff game.


If they can maintain this style of play they should at least be able to play in the playoffs this season. Lots of hockey left to play this season, and only time will tell where Moscow officially ends up. However, this team is really enjoy the ride. Captain Russia hopes he can find his game again before the playoffs. Because if he can he really is built for that type of game. The tight checking hard hitting style. He would be a force to be reckoned with.


He hopes before his time is up, that he can bring home a cup to his homeland. A dream his family has wanted for a long time. Only time will tell as he continues to love every minute playing for the leagues first ever VHL Russian team.


*Claiming as my doubles week for the VHL birthday*

Edited by Gooningitup
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