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Hey since I am getting closer and closer to leaving this thing we call a league I thought I should go back and revisit some of my more popular players. Revisit them. See what they are up to and give them a ending. So sit back and enjoy.


Image result for cocaine fields

Xavier Martinez in a suit walks in front of a camera as two girls in bikinis fan him with large palm trees. He snaps his fingers, a girl appears from behind the camera with a glass with cocaine on it. He proceeds to the snort the cocaine before shoving her away and goes right into what the video is about.



Hello people. Welcome to Xav estate Cocainery here in cocaine central in Mexico. Here at Xav we pride ourselves in the best shit anywhere in the world. No matter if it’s a bump, a dime bag, kilo or a fucking cocaine submarine. We here at Xav have your best cocaine needs in our best interest. Why? Because if you are happy, you come back and you make me a richer man. Money makes the world go round my little gringos, and I know what you fuckers like. Cocaine. The good stuff. White powder. White dragon.


A video package plays showing naked women picking the plant, turning it into cocaine, cutting it and getting it ready for sale.



We only employ naked women. Why? Well they can’t steal from me. They would be stupid if they tried to smuggle it out inside them. Plus it is better to look at. So when you come for a tour of Xav plantation you will be met with naked women on their knees because they are here to serve your every need, and I do mean every. If you are happy, you will be back so what’s better than a blow job before you do some blow? That’s what our company slogan is “Go blow yourself”


Cut to later

 Image result for pablo escobar

Xavier is touring his whole plantation when he finds a plant that looks off. He turns to a Pablo Escobar looking guy (down to the mustache)



Burn it all!


Cut to later

Image result for mexican detective

Detective Byron Coca is standing with his task force near the villa. They appear to be getting ready to raid the villa. Byron looks at his men and starts to give a long boring and slightly inspiring speech.



Men today is the day. The day you have been dreaming all your life for. Well… not your wedding your day. Or the birth of your child, and probably not as important as a good Fajita after a long day of cracking skulls. Cause you know, nothing is better. But this moment is still up there somewhere between bad head from your wife and that feeling after taking a big dumb. Yes you all know that feeling. But do not let these words of wisdom deter you from the task at hand. The man we are going after has long been the biggest cocaine king pin. Paying off all our informants to give us false clues and feed us lies. He has also paid our fellow brothers and sisters’ way better than our salaries. I mean like probably ten times as much. We really can’t keep up with paying that much. I see why they would turn on us. But that is not my point…


Cut to


Xavier is hosting a cocaine party. High class people from around the world have flown in for the party at Xav Villa. People doing cocaine off any surface that will hold the powder. Xavier appears at the top of the stairs as he looks at the party. His wife dressed in a dress made of literal gold walks up and kisses him.





Cut to

Xavier is doing a massive line of cocaine when his young son Pablo walks up to him and hugs him closely



Daddy! Thank you for the best birthday party ever!



Oh son we celebrate you and the snow that we just got


Pablo looks at his father confused



But Daddy this is Mexico there is no snow here



Oh young Pablo, snow pays for everything here. You will soon learn that.


Cut to

Detective Byron is sobbing as he continues his speech.



This mother fucker took my wife from me. She was the best wife and now she is gone. She now cuts coke and gives blow jobs for this piece of shit. Sure he can give her everything she ever wanted and he must be well hung because I know my little two incher never pleased her. BUT! That is not my point. I find it hard telling our kids that mommy is not a cocaine slut. Paid to do whatever this fucker wants. I had enough of him working hard to destroy whatever I worked my ass off to build… Well he probably doesn’t really have to work hard at it. With all that money things come easy.


Cut to

Xavier goes into his office at the top of the stairs and closes the door. A naked woman walks in and dumps a literal bucket of cocaine on Xavier’s desk.


Cut to

Byron is sitting in a small police car. He appears to be praying.



Please let me have a win. I need this. I have to go home and let my kids know that daddy is not the failure that they know that I am. I need this. Let little Maggie here be my chariot to victory over this scum. He is the reason why there have been cuts and I will no longer stand for it. I can barely do anything about it, this is my last chance before I give up and take a bribe and join him. If you can’t beat em join em right?


 Byron tries to ram the front gate of the compound but does not even make a scratch on the gate. He lets out a scream and begins to cry.



GOD DAMN IT!!!!! You couldn’t give me this victory. You couldn’t just fucking let me ram this down like it was an action movie. You are probably up there laughing. Well guess what? My Maggie might be destroyed and my drive might be shaken but I will go forward!


A defeated Byron climbs out of the car and begins to climb the gate. He rips his pants before falling off the top and onto the other side. Clearly hurting himself in the process. He stands up and looks at his men.



This man is finished winning all the time. Do this for the budget cuts we have been with. Do it for the men that turned on us. Do it for my wife. DO IT FOR MY PANTS!

Cut to


Xavier Martinez sits at a desk looking all coked out, almost like he is dead but all of a sudden he snaps out of it and looks around the room in a cocaine stare. He looks at the Tony Montana coke mountain in front of him before diving first into it. Just then he hears the sound of his front door being broken down



FREEZE! It’s the police!!! I said freeze! Okay… you do you and I do me. I just want Xavier and please don’t shoot us. Due to budget cuts we have five bullets amongst us


Xavier in his coked out state cocks his fingers like they are guns as he gets up and slowly moving towards the door.


Fade to Black

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  • DollarAndADream changed the title to Checking in on Xavier Martinez [1/2]

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