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WSJ Working Thru The Motions


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Wolf Stansson, Jr. draft stock has unexpectedly dropped over the last couple of weeks. Once looked as a sure-fire Top-3, Top-5 overall draft pick, WSJ's practice ethics drifted a little bit and it has shown itself in an ultra-competitive Draft Prospect list. WSJ now finds himself hovering near the bottom of the Top-10 and this seems to have waken him up. 


"It isn't easy but when you sleep, there is somebody else who is working, working even harder than you are to improve his/her craft. Sleep is for the weak. I will have to cut back on my sleep and really revamp up my play and craft. I know that I am capable of more - I just have to execute it."


Through the first half of the S67 VHLM season, the Yukon Rush find themselves in #6, allowing the least goals of all VHLM teams, but only scoring the sixth most. Not exactly inspiring. But at the same time, the defense is already there - which is great news! It's just a matter of working out the offense. WSJ ranks fourth on the team in goals scored with nine, which was not really considered a strength of his.


"I did not come to America to become a scorer. It just kind of happened. I am focused on doing whatever it takes to help improve our team. Sporting the third-highest +/- on the team, which is impressive for a defenseman. We are trying to work through our motions and really find another level of our game that we can ramp up to. We are looking forward to improving our craft as a team and really start pressing the puck more, pushing it up the rink and put the pressures and the hot seat onto the other teams' goalie."


WSJ is also tied for fourth on the team in assists and shots blocked this season - a good start for WSJ's Draft Stock. He is hopeful that his increased focus in practice going forward will rub off on his draft stock for the upcoming S68 Draft. 

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