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random quote #41


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What a shitty thing from our trivia head he pulled this week. He's making me to write another rumbling without any meanings behind it by not putting trivia this week. For that I'm wishing Moscow to miss the playoffs and I don't even care that Randoms is playing there. You just can't hurt hedgehog like that.


But seriously, is there anything to write about? An inconsistent ShiteTHS made me to release the new part of my I'm Mad series one day earlier than it should've been. Other than that, I have nothing in my mind. Is there any reasons why should I recycle the words for another random quote for Randoms? Oh yeah, Randoms getting less again, Moscow suffering again hehe.


All these almost sleepless nights with some fuel in my body is really doing me bad and now I'm not feeling very well. So here you are, closer to Dills level VHL.com article and I'm hoping to get 2 TPE from that. And one more thing. Speaking about Dill - I STILL NEED TO UPDATE RANDOMS!


I tried to think for another thing for 2 minutes, nothing came up in my mind.


2 TPE to KK

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