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The Waiting Game

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(This article is a translation of the original article from the “Gatineau Sun” newspaper. For the original article in French, go to www.thegatineausunisnotarealnewspaper.com/stories/29834.)  


GATINEAU - Jacques Lafontaine is ready. He has been working hard to get himself ready. After all, making it into the Victory Hockey League (aka the VHL) has always been a dream of his. Sure, he isn’t eligible for the Victory Hockey League yet but he is eligible to be drafted into the Victory Hockey League Minors, which is the farm league for the Victory Hockey League. Apparently, as a little kid, he was a very big Toronto Legion fan but he would still play for any team, as long as he would get the chance to play in one of the best leagues in the world. Sure, he isn’t exactly a standout, just a goalie who is slowly creeping into the VHL scene but he’s not that bad of a goalie. While his skating might use some work, he is overall a good goalie. Now, all he has to do is to watch the VHLM draft and see if his name will be called. When asked about if he was nervous, he replied, “Yeah, definitely. This is a big step for me and I really hope I can get drafted. Sure, if not, I’ll try my best to get signed but if I can get drafted it means that teams actually see potential in me.” There is also some questioning about if there was a team Jacques would rather get drafted by. When asked about this topic, he simply shook his head.“No, not really. I’ll honestly be happy with whatever team considers me worthy enough to choose, regardless of how good or bad they were last season,” replied the young netminder. “Every season is a new season,” he explained, “nobody’s saying that the standings won’t change. As long as I get an opportunity to play in the Victory Hockey League, I’m okay with playing with any team.” Jacques has been working hard this summer to ensure some improvement in his game. “Yeah, I’ve been training a lot, working on all of my game. Rebound Control, Agility, Hand Speed, Reaction Time-especially Reaction Time. I’m also planning on working on my skating. My skating could use some improvement, like I and others have said almost a million times. I have a lot of stuff to work on this summer.” We asked him what was the hardest part about his offseason so far. “The hardest part is probably the wait,” he admitted. “I am so anxious and excited for the draft to happen. If only I could turn time forward so the draft would happen quicker. This has been a moment I’ve been working towards for a long time.” Indeed, he’ll have to wait quite a while as the playoffs are still going on but Gatineau locals everywhere are excited to see how Jacques Lapointe will fare in the big league. Or at least the farm league of the big league.

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