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The Horrible Truth


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Ladies and gentlemen of the VHL community, I come to you with terrible news. What I just witnessed, is not only hideous, but corrupt in every sense. Jesus Christ was not selected in the S69 (nice) draft. "Why?," you might ask. While I've had little time to do research, as the draft ended no more than five minutes ago, I was able to find out who is to blame for this. Well, not who, but what is responsible. BPA... essentially a method used to auto pick the best available player. I inquired about the criteria for a pick to be made through this BPA method, and none of them included the fact that uniqueness should be a factor. This is honestly quite eye-opening for me. I might never be able to recover from the burden that has been bestowed upon me. We must not let this go on without taking action. Whoever is responsible must take responsibility for their actions. Whomever it is, we will come for you. Jesus Christ will take you out.

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