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Wolfe eager to play!


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After being Drafted in the second round to the Saskatoon Wild Damien Wolfe is eager to get out on the practice ice and start learner from his teammates. In the first week of being drafted Wolfe has been focusing on his offensive game. Mainly skating, puck handling, scoring and passing. This are going to be his main focus of stats throughout his career. This will help his path on becoming one of the top scorers in the league. This is going to be a great experience and Wolfe is ready to learn from coaches and vets all around the league. He does plan on staying the maximum amount of time allowed in the VHLM to get a feel for the league and get in enough training to have him ready for the VHL. With pre-season approaching the gitters are started to make Wolfe excited as the Wild have a very good group of guys eager to win!


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