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Don't know if anyone remembers me, but I was Jack Mason from a while ago. if I were to make a new character, how much carryover would I get from my old player (link) and what draft would I enter. thanks and it should be fun to be back

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Hey you! I don't know if you remember me or not, but we played on the Ice Dogs together way back.


You would get 17 TPE from carryover (240*.07=16.8), so if you planned on doing mostly point tasks, you would gain 1 extra TPE from not taking your carryover and doubling your first three point tasks. You would enter the S38 VHLM Dispersal Draft and would be a S39 Draftee for the VHL.

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Hey you! I don't know if you remember me or not, but we played on the Ice Dogs together way back.


You would get 17 TPE from carryover (240*.07=16.8), so if you planned on doing mostly point tasks, you would gain 1 extra TPE from not taking your carryover and doubling your first three point tasks. You would enter the S38 VHLM Dispersal Draft and would be a S39 Draftee for the VHL.

Wow, that was a while ago! So I guess I'll go create a player and see how it goes.


Oh and just do be clear, do I add the 17 TPE when I first create my player?

Edited by imtay22
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Yeah.  Although I can't remember if taking carryover affects your VHLM TC eligibility at all, someone better versed in those ways might have to run through the pros and cons of that.


Also welcome back. :cheers:

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Not taking carryover indeed makes you eligible for VHLM TC so that's 10 more TPE to seal the deal.

Welcome back!

so since I get 17 from carryover and I could only get 10 from TC then I should do the carryover if I'm understanding this right
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No the two above miswrote. If you take carryover at 17 TPE, you miss out on TC. However if you don't do carryover you have the ability to earn an extra 18 TPE on your first 3 PT's combined + TC.




Carryover: 17

No Carryover: 10 + Possible 18 TPE more for PT's.

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No the two above miswrote. If you take carryover at 17 TPE, you miss out on TC. However if you don't do carryover you have the ability to earn an extra 18 TPE on your first 3 PT's combined + TC.




Carryover: 17

No Carryover: 10 + Possible 18 TPE more for PT's.

so if I don't do carryover then I have the chance for 28 total TPE because my first 3 PT's get doubled? cause the carryover thread says this: "If your carryover TPE does not exceed 18 TPE, personal message one of the commissioners to inquire about doubling your first three point tasks (to a maximum of 18 TPE)." but I wasn't sure if that was in addition to the carryover or not.
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No here is the two ways, plain and simple:




First 3 PT's are doubled.


Thus if your carryover is 17 TPE or below, there is logically no reason to do the carryover route. Unless of course you have no wish to do a PT and will coast off welfare.


From what I've seen/read/suggested, you are only eligible for the VHLM TC if you do not have carryover. Thus if you take carryover the max you (imtay) would receive is 17 TPE + 18 from three PT's. If you didn't do carryover you (imtay) would possibly have this: 10 TPE TC + 36 TPE from doubled tasks. So in your best interest you'd be best not doing carryover.

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^ What he said.  Even if you do plan on living off welfare, that's still only one less TPE than carryover if I'm not mistaken, so it's worth declining carryover.


Summing it up simply:  If you take the 17 carryover, you are NOT eligible for VHLM TC OR three doubled PTs. 

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