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The Old White Rhino - Scouting Party


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The Old White Rhino - Scouting Party


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Aleksei stepped off of the train as he landed in Riga. The ride over from Prague had taken only a handfull of hours, but being this close to St. Petersburg always made him anxious. There were still remnants of those there who knew of his past life and might seek to do him harm if they found he was this near to the motherland. He would need to be cautious to blend in, to not draw too much attention to himself while he performed his mission,


"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, MISTER S!" Aleksei was tackled from behind by a solid form, he began to reach into his jacket as arms wrapped around him, then recognized the squeal of affection as that of young Cinnamon Block, "Mister S I can't believe you brought us all here! This is so exciting!"


Behind Block stoodo the remainder of the team: Draven, Sullen but Stoic. Draper, aloof but intense. Bigshotty, big but big. He extracted himself from Cinnamon's hug and dusted off his overcoat, careful to adjust the straps on his holster in a way that wouldn't bring attention to him more than a bumbling old man. It had been a good idea to bring the children  as cover. And while tickets to see the Reign's playoff series hadn't come without considerable personal expense, their presence would be indispensible if his position were compromised. Not to mention those Bears played some solid hockey for a team of American dogs. 


The hotel lobby was packed. Students in poofy jackets, old men in overcoats, children ran about the fountain and often fell on their faces. Aleksei leaned over to stare in the water. Ancient soviet coins stared back at him, as if to remind him of his past in this old place. To the old days.


304 Words

TPE for week ending January 5



Edited by HenrikZoiderberg
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