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rjfryman log #6


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So short one this week since, for the most part, it has been stressful in real life, and fun coding has not been able to be done. One thing that did get done is another successful WJC. There are still plenty of things left to be done in the coming weeks to prepare and get done, so the duties are not over, but for the time being, we can breathe naturally and relax at another good year done. We tried something new this season based on an idea that I had a while ago, but since Acydburn and myself had more power to do what we thought was best for the tournament, we just did it. Hopefully, it wasn't too bad for those involved, and honestly, I don't think it affected the winners of the tournament. The thing we tried that some people were confused about was to allow some players who were above 350 to play in the tournemant. There were rules that we followed with it, so it wasn't just the wild west. The idea and rule that we observed were when we were creating the list of eligible players anyone whose official rookie year was the same as the tournament would be available to play regardless of their TPE. We think that this change would make more people excited about the competition and would make some years exciting due to the enormous jumps some draft classes have. However, we did not allow them to play at their current TPE we would manually edit their TPE in the index to 350 or below depending on how close we can get their TPE. We were able to do this because we monitored their abilities many times through the past season, and once they got around 350, we would screenshot their scores so that we can reference them later. I think it was fair to allow players to play in their draft season, and I think it was appropriate that we dropped them to 350, so they were in line with other players and not too broken. Hopefully, this didn't make anyone upset, but I think it could be a great step to make the WJC better. It allows top-end talent to participate in the tournament more than just being capped at the VHLM limit and gives everyone at least one more opportunity to try and win the gold.  


If you liked it let me know if you didn't let me know why. I'm interested in both responses. As Always thank you for your time.

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The only thing I saw was that the VHLM players still couldn't exceed 250 TPE, even if they had more than 250 TPE. That's opening up a whole 'nother can of worms, but I did enjoy that VHL rookies were able to return for one last go at gold. 

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