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General Zod to Vegas


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As General Zod waited for his name to be called, he got very anxious. While Zod is very confident, he isn't delusional. He knew he was more than likely not going to go in the top five, but as the picks went by in the first round, he continued to get passed over. Eventually the first round came to a close, and Zod was still sitting, waiting to be drafted.


"The only thing going through my mind was how I will make the teams that passed on me regret it."


However, with the 12th pick, the first of the second round, the Reapers were on the clock. They had been looking at a defenseman with this pick, and as they stepped to the podium, Zod knew it would be him. As they announced their pick, Zod began to stand up to hug his beautiful wife, before hearing the name "Jason Goesen" getting picked, rather than him. At this point he was very upset. However, a General in battle can never show defeat. He kept his head up, and waited. And when Vegas called his name with the 14th pick in the draft,  he knew that was the place he belonged. And also because Vegas has quite an interesting nightlife, which General Zod will take full advantage of.

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