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Since the SBA/VHL case has been in the news lately again and I´ m not going to say no to a free blog entry idea, why not add one more comment around the case? Quickly looking over the latest discussion makes me think that at least the two parties can communicate on some level, which is nice.  Is it enough so a similar partnership deal could be organized in the future? Maybe or maybe not, who knows.

I have been thinking about the whole ´network´ of leagues, what is the end goal? What if everybody would get along? I noticed that SBA and EFL not so long ago announced that their seasons ´match´ as in they start and and end around the same time, I think. Quite nice system, but what if VHL was also in that mix? Is that the real reason why SBA and VHL partnership ended fairly abruptly? They noticed that VHL is not interested in playing ball as in being part of coalition where potentially one point task gives you the freedom to play in three or more leagues. SBA might have not directly asked about it from VHL, but you more than likely can get rough idea between the lines, maybe they saw and heard the talks on how VHL is investing in recruiting new people by hard work instead of looking into teaming up with other leagues.


The controversial events in VHL was just a convinient exit, we should not forget that they all joined the same junior team = not that serious about staying, auto 12 TPE and all in the same team, so they were never that serious about playing in VHL, the exact opposite really. I would be interested in hearing if there is any worse way to treat a league than a lot of privileged users teaming up and joining one team? And junior team on top of it all, not going to ruin the experience at all for others?



Anyways, I believe that the end goal for the people at the top of SBA is running network of leagues, users would get the opportunity to buy some kind special membership deal where regularly spending your money allows you to earn certain benefits in each league. Naturally the biggest share of the profits will go to SBA. Would that be so bad then? I think so.  In a system like that, the people at the top do not care about the sim league experience, all they care about is making money and you can´t make money if there is even little bit of edge somewhere, need to hone those edges out first. Companies do not want to have their names next to filth, same with people - they do not want to support something ´bad´ with their money. Of course different thing how realistic network like that is right now, but I sincerely believe that is the end goal.


Speaking of edge, some might remember that I was one of the members who got punished for posting in the SBA site after they announced the partnership has ended. Now that some time has gone by - do I feel bad about it? Not really.  One thing annoys me though and that is how my commentary is lumped into same category as maybe some others, I did not just recently join SBA and post my comments, at that point I had been in SBA for years, almost two full careers, never had any jobs on the site, but I was regular active users like in few other leagues. If anything I should be applauded for commenting, isnt that the whole point of forum based interactions, to share our thoughts and feelings with other people? Or are we going to follow only right comments are allowed - rules?


That is all for this week. Apologies to those who decided to read this, you have been the victim of me not finding anything to talk about this week.

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      Ok, well it was well written, but some user such as myself might not even know what SBA is. I'm gonna go and guess its Simulation Baseball Association? If there's any truth to this article, where I did have interest in joining SBA, I've changed my mind hearing that it might cost me money.


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25 minutes ago, VinCal said:

      Ok, well it was well written, but some user such as myself might not even know what SBA is. I'm gonna go and guess its Simulation Baseball Association? If there's any truth to this article, where I did have interest in joining SBA, I've changed my mind hearing that it might cost me money.


It´s not going to cost you any money, I believe right now it´s pretty similar setup as VHL has. Can build a good player just fine without using any money. This article is just me talking about the ´bigger´ picture with few lines on the actual case.

Edited by jRuutu
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