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Pros an cons of the VHL


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This theme week seems to be about our bosses wanting their respective asses kissed. Wanting us to talk about all the positives in the league. There certianly are some positives to this league, i would not have been here this long if not for that if it was all negative. Today we will give you some positives and negatives about the league. 


Pro and Con # 1: The People


The first 1 is a pro and a con, because of course like the world there are some very special people.  Id say the majority of people here are great people that i have had positive interactions with. Ive been here a long time and for the most part ive enjoyed my time here and the people i have met. I personally find myself talking less since the move to discord, then when we had most of the chat on forums. Where missing an hour doesnt mean reading 7million messages just to try to catch up. Personally im not high on discord because i feel you could miss to many good convos or important information. However, like earth there are some bad people, those who trive on drama. Internet tough guys, dreama queens, and just some people putting on an act.

The internet is full of fake personalities and since the spike in members here there are plenty more then there used to be.


Pro #2: Ice time


Honestly i think this league is better than other sims i have been involved in because teams are not 4 lines deep. Your not typically stuck playing low ice time not producing, and bored. Given this type of league is all about just reading stats not watching games that makes it better for members. You can actually see your player producing rather than "earning" a role. Given there is not much else to do in the league the idea of 4 line deep teams is off putting. Having 2 lines most teams 3 on true contenders means everyone usually can earn meaningful ice time. 


Con # 2: League carrying more about getting members than keeping them.


Yes i said it, many moves have angered me honestly if i did not like the GM in Beavis who drafted Komarov id probably have just retired. They continue to strip TPE away claiming inflation. But then honor TPE bumps for members who do not even post in our forum, and the opposite league does not do the same for our members. That means as a functioning contributing to this league forum member i could earn LESS than someone who posts a link to another league. For a league to claim its all about their members then slash earning rates so drastically its kinda like buying a used car an hoping its not broken.


Pro # 3: Portal


I honestly can say i love portal, it just makes things so much easier, neater and smoother than the old way. I dont need to do a whole ton of steps an hope i added right the forum does it all for me. Saving me time an headaches, it can take abit of getting used to for new people, but i feel the system is just much better than when i joined the league. 


Overall the league is good, but lets not pretend it is without its flaws. I believe in being open an new members should see the good and the bad. I did not cover everything here, because well the word count going over 500 does not do me anything extra. 




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I think the 2nd pro you listed is extremely important, especially as there is a push for deeper teams.


Being a 3rd liner sucks. It's no fun watching your player get minimal ice time and stats. It sucks in the VHLM (though the situation is slightly different there) and it sucks in the VHL. 6F/4D should be the roster construction we continue to strive for.


Goalie is a little different.

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