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Claimed:The man behind it all: Mr. D3vilsfire

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 Mr. D3vilsfire


          Agent D3vilsfire has had a lot to deal with the beginning of season 38. As the representative of both GM Bruce Wayne of the Moscow Red Wolves and VHL center man Konstantin Jaroslav Azhishchenkov who is starting his first season with the Riga Reign.



            With Wayne making a change in team mentality, and KJA finally making it to the VHL after two seasons in the VHLM (1 with the Ottawa Lynx and 1 with the Yukon Rush), Agent D3vilsfire is a wanted man. Lately it has been interview requests of Mr. Wayne and of KJA, but sometimes D3vilsfire has had to schedule charity events and public relations stunts for Wayne and KJA. Luckily, we were able to catch the busy man and conduct a short interview with him.


Interviewer: Hello, Mr. D3vilsfire!


D3vilsfire: Well hello.


Interviewer: We know that you have been very busy as of recent. With so much happening between Mr. Wayne and KJA, who takes up the majority of your time?


D3vilsfire: Well Mr. Wayne is much older than KJA, so the same protections that need to be applied to KJA do not really need to be applied to Mr. Wayne. Mr. Wayne is definitely more popular in terms of interviews and press because he rarely conducts interviews. KJA, however, is interviewed before and after every single game. Anyway, the answer to your question is neither.



(Mr. D3vilsfire's Agency. Inside picture.)


Interviewer: What?


D3vilsfire: Mr. Wayne and KJA are not my only clients. I am a “man of many talents,” as my wife likes to say. I currently run the Edmonton Oilers in The Pacific Exclusive Hockey League (TPEHL), and I am the commissioner in that league.


Interviewer: You are joking right? How can you be a GM, commissioner, and a player/gm agent?


D3vilsfire: Sounds crazy right? I have a ton on my plate, but I truly enjoy what I do. I have the backing of my family who accompany me on trips when they are not busy and my clients always know that I am there for them whenever they need me.


Interviewer: That sounds like too much in my opinion, however, I am only the interviewer, so next question. Have you managed to take on any more clients?


D3vilsfire: Yes, I actually have been able to take on more clients! Recent Washington Redskins’ (National Football League) draft picks, outside linebacker Trent Murphy and offensive guard Stephen Long, have requested me to represent them as their agent. I obviously accepted as I am a huge fan of the Redskins and will always be willing to take on more clients.



(KJA on left. Edmonton Assistant GM center left. Edmonton Head of Public Relations center right. Bruce Wayne on right.)


Interviewer: Wow. All right last question. Why is your name D3vilsfire. That is obviously not your true name.


D3vilsfire: Ah. You have caught me. Haha. D3vilsfire is not my real name, but my business name. I wanted a name that stood out to people and would not get lost among the more generic names. I will not however, disclose my true name. Sorry.




D3vilsfire: Oops! This is an important call.


Interviewer: I guess that’s my cue to end this. Thanks for letting us have this interview D3vilsfire.


D3vilsfire: No problem, thanks for having me!

Edited by d3vilsfire
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Guest Svoboda_3

Content: 3/3

549 words. While not a huge fan of interviews, there wasn't anything here to deduct from. I mean, sure the interviews aren't the most creative, but seeing that this is Sunday, I'm sure you scrambled to find something to write about and I'd rather see a PT done, regardless of topic/style than some lazy prick claiming welfare for the week.

Grammar: 2/2

More or less minor punctuation mistakes.


commissioner = Commissioner

opinion, however = opinion; however

Long, have = Long have

All right = Alright

Why is your name D3vilsfire. = Why is your name D3vilsfire?

Appearance: 1/1

Nice job.

Overall: 6/6

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