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Who's Winning The Cup?

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                        I think the question everyone has in their minds right now is "who will win this seasons playoffs?", in this artice I'll be talking about each teams likelihood of winning.

                       So first off we have the clear cut favorites in the Ottawa Lynx who've been dominant all season long and swept the wildcard 21st in their first round matchup. Ottawa's only real competition would either be Yukon or San Diego, both teams have had dominant seasons and the Marlins look like they're ready for 1 last deep playoff run before star players move on. Yukon has been the talk of the league besides Ottawa, they have a good enough record for 2nd and they have dominated almost every team all season long. The main pieces of Yukon have got to be players like Vin Calia and Alex Armstrong, both have been ridiculous in the playoffs so far and they're 1st and 2nd respectably. Nicolas Fomba, the young Rush's goaltender has been a beast for them in the regular season and it's starting to translate into playoff success as well. San Diego is lead by pieces like Alex Bridges, JaredN, Ike Bennett and Nikita Kulikovich, while San Diego has an ok goaltender I think the offense certainly carried the team to the playoffs and has translated into great success so far in the playoffs as they have already taken out Minnesota in 6 games.

                      Now we have Vegas and Philadelphia who are currently battling it out in game 7 to advance on in these playoffs, their series is the only one to go 7 games so far these playoffs which is no surprise considering how close these teams are on paper and in the standings. If I had to pick a winner of this series I'd give the slight edge to Vegas only because of how dominant they've been against top tier teams this season.

                    Now I will finally make my decision of who will win the cup. I predict that the Ottawa Lynx will continue on with their domination and take home the cup in 6 games against the Marlins, the marlins have had great runs against Ottawa but I really don't think they can beat ottawa 4 times in 7 games especially after Ottawa's players finish earning this season.



                                                                                                        Conclusion: Ottawa Lynx 4-2 San Diego Marlins for the cup.

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