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Big Iron · Marty Robbins


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Hello! It´s theme week time and since I can't make any graphics I´m going to write. The topic for theme week is to talk about user or users you don´t know that well. In my case that is everybody, I don´t know anybody in VHL. The way I see it, people in VHL are like my neighbors. I might say hello first, and then the neighbor says hello back, then we head towards wherever we were going.


Just like with my neighbors, I have never felt the urge to get and know people in VHL that closely,  I usually spend most of my time in the locker room of whatever team I´m playing on, things are usually fine, I post and comment here and there, sometimes more and sometimes less. I come to check the results every day and to do the point tasks, once those are covered, it´s all good.


There has never been any kind of invisible barrier that prevents me from getting to know members in VHL, no old VHL members sticking in their private corner, there is no fans of certain thing in one side and others are outside. No, from what I have seen the league is full of friendly people that welcome everybody in with open arms.
VHL as a league is a community, I can be active, and still keep to myself. If I wanted my VHL experience to be more social, VHL has that side covered as well. That is what I like about VHL, plenty of room for different types of users.




For the second part of this media piece I would like focus more on the actual point of this theme week. I should maybe do some research on my own about a player and write a short history article, or maybe I should contact a user and ask a question or two, but lets be honest, I´m not really going to do either.  What I´m going to do is take this opportunity to share something about myself to the good people VHL.


Is there a better way to do that than answer questions from mantelligence.com!? And more importantly questions from an article called: Personal Questions to Ask from a VHL user – Spark deep conversations.


Let's get started,


What would your perfect sim be like?
That is easy: goal, assist, and a fight or in other words: Gordie Howe hat trick! Special achievement in my eyes and something that brings a smile to my face every time it happens.

Do you think being spiritual helps in getting more favorable sims?
Does not hurt, lets put it that way. Some VHL members in the past have speculated about sacrificing something to please the sim gods, but does that work? Nobody knows for sure. Saying a little prayer before each sim is what I like to do, so far no negative complaints.


If you got banned from VHL tomorrow, what would be your greatest accomplishment?
I have won a championship with each of my players, which is pretty cool and rare at the same time. Winning championship in other leagues has been insanely hard for me personally, I have gone full careers without winning one, but in VHL I have been lucky enough to win one at some point during each of my player careers.


What is the most important thing you have learned in VHL?
Steady pace wins the race, it´s important to find the right rhythm for updating and doing the point tasks, what works for someone else might not work for me. I´m glad that I have been able to figure out a system that works for me.


What is your favorite attribute?
Defense, not only an important attribute in the sim engine, but I have always wanted to make my players to be solid defensively. Even if offensively things might sometimes be bit up and down, I can still hopefully be a difference-maker in our own end. I value defensive role players highly, important players for any team.


What is something you’ve never done in VHL that you’ve always wanted to do?
I have never been a GM of any kind, trying my hands on one of those international tournaments someday could be fun, but managing a team in the juniors or in the big league is something I don´t even want to try. Too much work and I know I will lose my cool eventually.


What is your goal in VHL?
I would like to win two or more championships with one player, that is something I have never done in VHL. Been close a few times while playing in good teams, but for whatever reason, the championship number stays at one for each player.


And there you have it, some questions with answers. Hopefully you learned something new! To the end I would like to send an apology to Markus Nygren, we ran out of time.

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