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MI6 Hockey News - Episode 1


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MI6 Hockey News - Episode 1

The Man Behind the Number 007




Interviewer: Good evening and welcome to MI6 Hockey News. My name is Harold and I'm joined today by Bond....James Bond. *inserts a huge grin* I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just a huge fan of yours.


Bond: No no, thank you. I appreciate it.


Harold: Now let's get down to business. What we all want to know is...what happened? Why did a big shot agent like yourself leave the world of secrets and danger for a take a sports?


Bond: Well you see Harold, I loved what I did. The adventure, the danger, the secrecy of it all, but what I really miss is everyday life. I miss waking up and not having to worry about who I'm going to save today or who I'm going to have to hunt down, let's not forget about the ladies though... but in all seriousness, little does everyone know I'm a huge hockey fan. Ever since I was a little boy it gave me an excitement like no other. Back during agent training we had a hockey league just to exercise and have a little fun ya know, but now that my time is coming to an end (retirement) I'm looking for something new.


Harold: I never would have guessed! That's incredible! What do you think you will bring to the VHLM and VHL in the years to come?


Bond: I want to bring entertainment, excitement, fun, and passion to the league. I want a team who's not afraid to go out there and win but can have a fun time in the locker room. I'm still working on my skills but give it some time and I'm going to be all you talk about!...hopefully ;)


Harold: Well with that being said it's time for our first commercial break. Don't go any where! Coming up next we ask Bond all about those heart throbs he got to mean...did any of them steal his heart away? Find out, right after this....



*fades to black* *commercial with Billy Mays comes on*


haunting billy mays GIF by South Park




Word Count: 344

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