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Introducing Gabriel Akerström!


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A young Swedish defenseman has made his way to the VHLM, determined to achieve a dream that he's had since he was a young child of playing professional hockey. Gabriel Akerström has been a student of the game for a long time, playing alongside some of the best young talent in Sweden since a young age and hoping to learn everything he can. He isn't the biggest player on the ice, but his style of play is very suited to make the most out of what he has. A mobile player who likes skating with the puck and who has a good eye for setting up his teammates, Akerström's puck handling skills are good enough to get the job done and make some offense happen from the point. But with this in mind, what is it that brings Akerström to the VHL out of all the hockey leagues out there? Well for him, it's the global element of the league that makes it so attractive. While some leagues such as the NHL are bigger and more successful, the ability to play in a league that spans the globe and features teams in so many different countries holds a lot of appeal for a player who wasn't born and raised in North America. The focus the VHL allows for a more European style of a play that is what Gabriel has been used to so far would mean that there's less of a transition and change required to what he knows, and that will allow him to spend his time more on developing his abilities. The first question that will need to be answered is where Gabriel will begin his career, playing in the VHLM. When it comes to the VHLM, there is no preference of team for Gabriel. He has never been to North America before and so has no affiliation for any of the teams or places in the league. He's totally open to playing for whichever team decides that they would like to add him to their roster for the season to come. He would be extremely grateful for any opportunity that he's offered, and he's looking forward to potentially getting the opportunity to find a new place in the world to explore and play the sport he loves in. Gabriel will need to spend a lot of time working on his game to get to where he wants to go, but he's hopeful that he has the potential to achieve his goals and make a successful career in the VHL. He's hoping to become a contributing member of a team unit, both on and off the ice. If any teams in the VHLM are looking for a defenseman to bolster their roster for this season and many more to come, then they could definitely do a lot worse than adding an eager young player like Gabriel to their ranks. It's going to be interesting to follow over the next few days how the story develops and to see where we eventually see Gabriel end up!


(508 words)

Edited by Mason
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It's good to see another D-man joining the ranks! I love that he is a mobile defenseman as well. A couple of things I would recommend, just as friendly suggestions rather than disapprovin critiques: I would make the picture smaller (you should be able to do this on Windows by pressing Ctrl + right clicking, then selecting "Edit picture" and keeping the proportions locked while taking the pixel count smaller). I would also indent the first line, and separate this into two (or even three) paragraphs; it just makes for easier reading than the block-of-text format. I look forward to hearing more from you, and watching Gabriel develop in the fun-and-competitive VHLM! Score: 7.5/10

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