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Jiggs Thinks on Things


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So because I don't have any real ideas for a .com article, I've decided that I'm just gonna go fuck it and share a few thoughts I've had as of late. I won't even bother in making this look good since this is just me throwing a bunch of random shit together.


- So I personally think I'm having a decent season in the VHL so far. 27 points in 57 games, 142 hits and 116 shots blocked. I'm not scoring a lot but at least I seem sound defensively. The only downside is that I have 130 penalty minutes. That does hurt the team a bit but it shouldn't be too concerning. Right? Well I am top 9 in the league in terms of that category so uh... Please tell the others to stop taking penalties so I can at least be top 5.


- With my schoolwork and stuff in the VHL, my schedule is actually pretty fucking busy. I'm almost finding that I don't have too much time for myself. Though with my fucked up late sleep schedule, I always seem to have the time to do everything I want. Next semester is going to be fucked though. Mostly because almost all of my elective courses are this semester while all of the mandatory ones (math, english, etc.) are next sem. So my schoolwork is definitely going to pile up when the next semester comes.


- With the amount of new people coming to the VHL via the new YouTube ad, teams are starting to run out of room. Heck even Vegas started letting people in at a very limited amount. I've seen people suggest a VHLM expansion before both on the forums and on discord when the VHLM GMs were talking about stuff that I can't say. I'll say this once again, I do like the idea of expansion. The problem is, we are still not sure if a good amount of people would stay long enough to justify expansion. What's more of a problem is that if recruitment slows again, some teams would barely have anyone. That problem was a bit prominent on teams like Houston though it was honestly at their expense for the most part. But still, what if we do expand? The new guys move up to the VHL, and then the amount of players joining slows down significantly. A team or two would be completely barren. What if we have another recruitment drive? What if it isn't as successful as this one? Then there could be problems with teams not filling up. Again there's still too much uncertainty but I would love to see the VHLM expand after a season or two. Another thing you have to consider is that Miami is still a very new team in the M. So would we consider another expansion so soon? Who knows.


- Being a WJC GM is honestly a great experience if you want to become a GM in the future like me. The most difficulty I had so far was actually working with the sliders and strats for STHS. It's also fun when you get to trash talk others in the WJC discord. I wish these World Juniors and World Cup of Hockey tourneys would be more hyped up. Sure it's a little side thing from the VHL/VHLM but people should honestly be more excited for it. Maybe there's a way to make it more fun? Anyways, my only goal as World's GM is to not fuck up so hopefully I can do well.


(590 words... this ain't a media spot btw)

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good blurb or whatever this is, as far as expansion goes Miami only came in S71 or S72 so I don’t think the M should expand so soon, all the new players also can weed out those who are IA, and yes WJC is fun, only thing of criticism is the paragraph about expansion seems a little long to me


rating 9.5/10

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