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End is nearing for Adrienne


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End is nearing for Adrienne


With Condor Adrienne already being back on the same build as he had the last year, regression doesn’t look to slow him down much. But this is the last year he is allowed to play in the league, he would have liked to continue if it was possible to build further on his legacy. Before I made this player I had three goals for this player.  One of them was to win a cup with a team that I had not won yet with (it’s also why I tried to get Victor to tank the season before I would enter the draft). So I am still glad I actually ended up on Malmo when Advantage won the draft lottery and actually said no to three first round picks from Calgary. While I have not won a cup yet with Malmo, this season will be my last (and an outside) chance for it. While I am ofcourse dissapointed not to have won a cup, I’m not angry or anything if it doesn’t work out. The VHL is growing and expanding and even has grown to 16 teams, so I knew the chances were growing for me to finally have a player that would miss out on a cup. All or nothing this season it is.


The other two goals I do seem to be able to reach, but that’s something for another vhl.com in the future.

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