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A fresh signing just went down in the VHLM, Centreman Green Gaming has just signed with the Miami Marauders.

Green Gaming is a player fresh out of juniors and looking for a permanent spot on a roster. With huge success in the juniors he has put up 60+ pt. seasons and was projected to go in the draft but was surprisingly left untouched. After the first round of games Green told reporters that he thought he was just going back to juniors but one day later his fate changed. With a contract offer extended by Miami green was fast to sign it for his 1 year 1.5M contract things were looking up.

Now with his fresh contract he was on the top of the news headlines again, But rumors surfaced that he would be scratched for the first few weeks, But just a few hours after that statement came out the Miami GM came out and told reporters that he would be playing green as the third line center of the Marauders. When teammates were asked about the signing of Green they all seemed neutral except Cabe McJake said that this was an excellent edition to the team and that he is exited to see Green in game action. Green has yet to be spotted in a jersey with Miami but he has been spotted in a bar with Cabe. There has been some new rumors floating around that Green was going to sign with Yukon but that Miami came in before Yukon could give there contract deal to Green. With tomorrows game approaching we will not have to wait long to see some action from the newest addition to the VHLM, With his family in the stands cheering him on this will be a moment for the record books.

Now lets have a closer in depth view of Green`s junior career, Green was playing in junior A as the first line center, He was scouted multiple times by other teams including Miami and he was showing exceptional talent with a total junior point score of 82 Goals and 75 Apples for a total of 157 points over his 3 year junior career and with his 2 60 pt. seasons he was projected to be drafted and not passed up at any cost. This kid for sure has the speed with a solid shot, He will be a challenge for the defenders and wingers to keep up with him. But his faceoff skill is for sure the highlight of this kid, With a 57% on his faceoffs he has shown exceptional talent in the circle. But there is a huge downside for Green, He is good at holding up against the leagues enforcers because with only 170 pounds of weight with him when you have a 200 pound 6`3 defenseman charging him you will need him to have a solid defensive pair and a mobile but strong set of wingers with him.

This rookie has a high standard with him so tomorrow we will find out if this is a steal of bust! That's all for this media release.

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Hello sir. Always nice to see a first gen do a Point Task in their first week, you'll have GMs lining up on draft day if you keep this up. I like your thoughts on your expectations for the season, and the antics with Cabe McJake. I liked your rundown of your player's career prior to joining the VHLM. One thing that your article could've improved on was the formatting. It's much easier to read an article in paragraph format, as opposed to a single wall of text. I'm a fan of pictures in articles as well. Overall 8/10 article, keep up the good work

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For a first article of sorts, it's pretty well made! I like the perspective you bring with this article and I also love the inclusion of your teammates which always adds more. The addition of junior stats is also interesting as I don't really see much of that apart from the Junior Reviews. My main issue is the formatting as separation between paragraphs helps make things easier to read. I also often suggest adding a bit of colour or maybe bolding/italizing your text. Overall, pretty good article and I hope to read the next one! 8.5/10

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