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Kristof Welch First Interview as a Rush


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Finishing up with a shot of pálinka after a lovely delicious and spicy goulash, newly acquired Yukon Rush rookie Kristof Welch has decided to sit down with the Yukon News newspaper after lunch for a quick interview over coffee to let the fans and media get some insight on who Kristof really is.




Thank you for sitting down with us Kristof for a short interview, it's a pleasure to be able to be the first media to have you sit down with.


"Pleasure is all mine, it's nice to be interviewed by the paper I read growing up."


I'm glad the pleasure is mutual, however speaking of growing up, you're listed as a Hungarian by birth yet you grew up here in the Yukon. Can you please explain how this happened?


"Ah of course, the first question everyone asks when they hear of my background. I was born in a small village in Hungary where my father grew up when my parents were visiting his family, and thus Hungarian has always been my nationality. However, after I was born my parents brought me back to where my mother grew up and where they were living prior to my birth, which is funnily enough where I now play hockey in Whitehorse, Yukon."


Wow, that's quite the unique story! I don't know many people that were born over 7500 km away from where they grew up. Is there anything you remember from your childhood in Hungary?


"Unfortunately not much, I was a but a wee lad when I was born there and brought back here when I was about one years old, I don't even know much of the language besides a few words and sentences. The only key thing I remember though is the amazing cuisine, I have food and drinks shipped from back there bi-monthly. There's nothing else like it."


From what we heard, you recently moved back here from the capital in Hungary after staying there for a few years, so no wonder you enjoy the food that much!

But let's switch topics before we end the interview to the question everyone would want to know, what brought you back? Most people if they moved to Europe wouldn't look back, let alone to move back up North.


"Say what you will, but if you have something you truly love you will do whatever you can to keep ahold of it. And for me, that was hockey. There isn't much of any hockey over in Hungary, so I remember staying up late at night watching VHL matches on streams even if it made me late to work the next day. That feeling of love of the game of hockey never left me, so when I heard there was a VHLM team in the town I grew up in and wanted me to play with them? I packed my bags and bought a ticket home that hour."


You left everything behind to come back here for the Rush?


"You could say that, yes. However I'd look at it more as going back where I truly belong, and doing something I've been meant to do my entire life. Traveling and living in Europe was fun and I don't regret it for a moment, but hockey is my passion."


Thank you so much for your time and for your words, I'm sure the folks in the Yukon are going to absolutely love having you here as long as you're able to stay.


Oh and also before I forget, welcome home.


(588 words)

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Hey Juice, nice interview. The fact that you were from Hungary intrigued me, and I didn't know you were from Yukon. You're quite possibly the only VHLer from either area, and it's cool to be unique. The interview was formatted nicely, I appreciated the contrast between bold and italics as that made it easy to follow. The use of an image is nice as it is something that many articles lack. Spelling and grammar is near perfect, which is always nice as well. 10/10 article.

Edited by a_Ferk
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