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If you are not good at gfx is it better to just do welfare? Maybe this sig i made will be worth a bit more than the one in OP?? it took me quite awhile to do, pls tell me wat u think graphic grader:




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Pick which ever one you want just remember they have to be league related. Meaning a logo or text involving a player in our league.


i pick #1 for this week, I'll do #2 next week



#2 doesnt have text, but it has my player's trademark logo in the corner there

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Effort: 1.75/2 - I'm going to give you the benefit of a doubt and say you put a fair amount of effort into this, but there's still some elements missing here that would garner full marks normally.  Lighting and stockwork especially.

Look: 1.5/3 - Can't say I'm too fond of this.  I think the render effects are way too strong here and the text stands out too much.  A more simple background would have helped out and lighting is definitely missing.  It's very gaudy and the little things need to be worked on as it doesn't flow too well.  Work on blending, stock work, simple render effects and text.  I would look up tutorials to help and just keep practicing.  

Creativity: 1/1 - Sure


Total: 4.25/6

Edited by sherifflobo
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Sorry about leaving this yesterday I was in the middle of a mass grade and something popped up so I had to leave before I could finish. Anyways

Effort: 1.75/2 - Pretty much same from me.

Look: 1.5/3 -This for sure is a much different style than what is usually done here. This is a little too bright and the contrasting throws it off a bit. Look through our VHL resource section here http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/forum/103-resources-discussion/ and look around. Its a pretty good spot to start from when in improving your skills.

Creativity: 1/1 - Sure

Total: 4.25/6


Edited by 8Ovechkin8
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