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That Dude, you know, the new guy on the block


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That Dude! I mean honestly, how did you not notice that dude? That Dude is the new talk of the town... which town, I'm not quite sure yet. Probably Saskatoon? 'Cause that's where That Dude ended up going to start out his VHLM career. That Dude had expected to get a lot more noise, but only two teams made offers to That Dude and the other one was Minnesota. Interestingly enough, Minnesota was where Wolf Stansson, Jr. started out his VHLM career way back in S66 before not being asked back in the subsequent redistribution draft. But yeah, the fact that Doomsday was the GM of the Saskatoon was a tough one to pass up on since we've known each other for probably more than a decade now, having met each other back in the MSFL. Or something like that. And we're teammates on the Prague Phantoms and he is one cool cat. 


Anyways, That Dude is looking forward to starting his VHLM career. I'm not too worried about him this year, but I should probably get going on my PTs since I've decided to go into the same draft class standing as OrbitingDeath once again. F. 


That Dude is going to be That Dude on the hockey rink, owning faceoffs and basically being a power center. Let's see if this works out for me... hopefully better than WSJ. WSJ I think did okay, but didn't quite really live up to my expectations.... or maybe he was just a misfortunate byproduct of Prague's historically bad luck. I dunno. But no ragrets. Let's get this show on the road and earn me some more TPE today. 

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