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Scotty Campbell EXPOSED


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I was looking around the HOF today, specifically at Campbell, since I wanted to write a media spot about him and talking about what made him so great. This is when I noticed something very strange, so I abandoned my plans to talk about his greatness, but rather his playoff success. Based purely on the stats, Scotty Campbell is a playoff choker. How can the VHL's goat be a choker? Lets look at some of the stats:


In 577 regular season games, he had 1239 points, or 2.15 points per game. In 41 playoff games, he had 65 points, only 1.59 points per game. That's still a really good number, but it's a huge fall of from his regular season stats. He also took penalties far more often in the postseason, with 60 penalty minutes in 41 playoff games (1.46 minutes per game), compared to 306 penalty minutes in 577 regular season games 9 (0.53 minutes per game). In the plus minus department, he was a +643 in 577 games, but he was even through 41 playoff games. Perhaps the most alarming stat that proves Campbell doesn't have the mamba mentality is the difference in his game winning goals. In the regular season, he had 101 game winning goals. In 18% of the games he played, he scored the game winning goal. 17% of all his goals were game winners. In the playoffs, he had only 2 game winners. That's only 5% of the games he played where he scored the winner, and 6% of all the goals he scored. 


Based on all the stats, it is clear as day that Scotty Campbell was a choker. However, upon closer inspection, things aren't as clear cut as it seems. As I scrolled through Campbell's hall of fame article, I noticed some discrepancies in the playoff stats. The career playoff totals for Campbell are completely wrong. Here is what it says are his career playoff totals:

41GP / 32G / 33A / 65P / E / 60PIM / 40H / 294S / 22SB / 2GWG

Here is what his stats actually should look like:

72GP / 57G / 73A / 130P / +32 / 50PIM / 18H / 531S / 45SB / 8GWG

While his playoff stats still aren't up to par with his regular season dominance, it is much better than his career playoff stats shown in the hall of fame. I have no idea how this happened, the numbers aren't even close at all, in fact some totals doubled, and his game winning goals quadrupled. At first glance, it may have seemed like Campbell was a bit of a choker, but the career stats shown in the hall of fame are simply incorrect. Campbell also has 3 cups, so he clearly isn't a choker by any stretch of the imagination. Instead of exposing Scotty Campbell, which I sought out to do, I ended up exposing the VHL for not being able to get the correct playoff statistics for their greatest player of all time. His regular season stats were correct, at least his point total was (I assumed everything else was correct as well) I did a little bit more searching around, and I couldn't find any other older player that had their stats incorrect. How did this even happen? 


535 words

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