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Former Marauder Green Gaming-C

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I really like this idea, and the different text and founts are really good. I do think you could have added a little more detail, maybe to the background, or even if you underlined or boxed in the different texts. It is very neat and organized which is good, and the placement of the Marauders logo and hockey player are really good as well. The hockey player pic is a little blurry so i would have changed that, but overall it is good.


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Hey I really like the idea of making an image running down your career accomplishments with a team. I saw you used the Vampire Wars font for some parts of it and that's cool, it's one of my favourite fonts to use also. Things I would maybe consider for next time are the background colour.. you chose red which is fine but I maybe would have went with one of the Marauders team colours to kind of go with the theme of what your idea is. Also the picture you used is sort of grainy and low quality. There's tons of good hockey pics out there that look alot more crisp so that's something to keep in mind for next time. Overall though I think it's a cool idea for a graphic. 7/10

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