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As we jump into the off season, we can finally focus on the events to come and see how our prospect pool improves. It will be a fun and fast time. I like the off season feeling and the anticipation of the new season. Expectations are a notch higher and the team is ready to tackle whatever comes at us. Will this be Toronto's breakout season? Odds are no, it won't be. Are we going to push as hard as possible? You can bet your sweet ass every player on the team is committed to winning. Talking about the team and where it's headed and not saying anything about our GM Peace would be bad mojo. Peace has been one of the most active GM's I have ever played for. He is level headed and tries his best at improving the team for the present and future. Many players are long term committed to the team because of the passion he shows for the team and players alike.


This upcoming season will be fun to play. We won't be on many lists to win it all, but I can say we will give it our all.

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