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It's all an illusion, nothing is real. When you walk around out there, nobody knows that you have scored over 30 goals in one season. Nobody knows that you have earned well over 11.5 capped TPE per week for months and months. Want to know the worst part? I called my agent and got told that the 25 million dollars I have saved up in my VHL bank is not worth anything.


This VHL journey is full of twists and turns that eventually lead behind one door.  On that door is written four words. ''Unlucky'' and ''Please, try again''. The journey to the door is long and hard. Takes years, but when you are old and experienced enough you will find the door. When you finally make it, there is only one option - you need to open the door and see what is behind it. You can not turn back. You need to walk in.


Nobody knows for sure what will happen once you walk in. Some say that you might be able to start a new career in some other universe perhaps. You can not remember anything about your past experiences though. Others say that nothing happens, you are there. Just sitting on the bench.


In my opinion, the most likely option is getting sent to one of two places. The first one is hot as hell, there is no ice, you can not skate. Never-ending concussion symptoms. The first day of the training camp every single day. Only the worst of the worst get sent there. The dirty players and those who cheat. There is an alternative option for that, something magical. You can play hockey all day, goalies wear legal-sized equipment, referees are not biased. Players are forced to learn to pass the puck. You never get tired. The place is for those who play nice, they do the right things and try to be good.




Who decides where you go is obviously an important question. Is there some kind of all-seeing referee who can watch tape of our actions? Then based on what they see, we are judged? I don't know. All I know is that it would be nice if they warn you about getting filmed.


Am I worried? I am. I'm not a young player. When I close my eyes at night, I can see the door. Not a secret that I have played hockey all my life and almost always by doing whatever it takes to win. I dive, I cheat, I try to annoy others. That has been my game. Now as I'm wondering about these big questions, would I do something differently? Would I maybe hit and fight less? I would not. If the ultimate punishment is to sweat in a never-ending training camp for eternity, that is the price for getting to climb on top of the world, that is the price for being a player in VHL.


Before I reach the door, I will spend all this money on nice things. A smart player would use the money on charity and helping others, but I will spend the whole sum on myself. Depreciation is like a wind that pushes you towards the door faster, but I'm going to do all I can to stop that wind.


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Loved this article. Something new and interesting. I did enjoy reading it. Once thing that I would adjust is changing can not to can't as it just flows better and more grammatically correct. If you were short on words I can see why but you had plenty of words to spare :) Loved the pictures! Definitely spend all that money on depreciation fighters 



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