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By this only being my 3rd week in the league I think that I should get a well-deserved vacation to a sunny place and I'm not thinking of the beach of Miami or Spain, I'm thinking of Mexico! A trip with my sombrero hat and my fish slides, you may be wondering how fish slides would look like, and here is what they look like:   


Pretty drippy right?


 Activity number uno

The first logical thing I would do is, of course, feasting on some burritos and Tacos, I like my tacos in soft bread and with guacamole spread on it, then I put my cucumber and corn on it, my meat then some spicy sauce, jalapeno, lettuce, crushed chips (slightly salted) and finish it off with some more jalapeno.  Of course I wouldn't eat a perfectly good taco without my sombrero hat and a glass of Capri sun, no margarita because that's illegal for my age.  While doing this I hope that  Mexico city will continue to deliver its heat while my ears will be steaming because I can't handle hot food, it would be pretty hot so I would probably drink my capri sun pretty fast and have nothing left to drink, know what I do then? I get my drip from my fish slippers ofc and they generate so much drip that they produce water for me to drink.


Activity number dos

The second thing I would like to do is to learn some salsa moves, salsa moves are necessary and if I master them I will get 99 skating.  So to learn this I would go to any Mexican bar and find some random girl and be like 

“Hola Mexican gurl, u teach me salsa and I give you salsa."

“of course Swedish boi, but I only accept super spicy salsa."

So she teaches me salsa and I get 99 skatings and I can also impress all my friends with my salsa skills.  Then she asks me for super spicy salsa so I give her the spiciest salsa I own and she says 

"oh yasssssss, very spicy salsa thank you"


Mission number tres

The last thing I need to do is actually get home from Mexico.  Now I've two options, plane or boat.  Personally, I would take the plane, but not just any plane, I would, of course, have a plane with one of those flags at the back of it.  Now you are probably wondering what the flag would say, and of course, it would say "Fish slides are the drippiest slides", and a picture of them.  Even tho it's great in Mexico it would be very nice to be home for the Beijer hockey games, which is a nations cup where Sweden participates in, this year I want to watch it even more badly because several of the players from Rögle (the team I support) is in the team. I would also like to watch some of the actual season because it is coming to its end and the playoffs are soon here.



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