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Posts posted by Strummer

  1. It is not always about the goals, I mean you need to score to win, but you also have to be able to prevent the other guys from doing the same. Who cares if you score six if they score seven? You still lose the game. This is what I don't understand when I talk to my peers these days. It's always go, go, go, or score, score, score. There is little development time spend working below your own blue line.” - Lars Strummer


    Recently at a scrum during training camp in Koln, Germany, Lars Strummer went on a rant about the amount of one dimensional forwards that seemingly come out and try to make the “big time”. For a player like Lars, playing in his own zone and being able to get the puck away from the opposition is a vital part of his game.


    Looking across the league, very few forwards have ISA (International Scouting Agency) ratings above 40. A quick look around their ratings page shows Yukon forwards, Konstantin Azhishchenkov (50) and Lars Strummer (69) as well as Oslo player, Johan Hallstrom (55) are the only real noteworthy prospects that have shown any ability to play on the defensive side of things. Also a quick look at ISA ratings show Strummer (60) and Azhishchenkov (67) as being the only forwards that have spend time working on their face off abilities.


    So why is defensive presence largely ignored? Well the answer have multiple answers that considered both independently and as a sum can be considered accurate. The easy answers are simply two-fold. First off, VHL coaches and general managers don't emphasize playing in their own end. The VHL is a league of scoring, where the only (or easiest) way of checking on a players progression is looking at the score sheet. Which leads to the second obvious answer. Scoring is sexy and easily measurable. What do people want to talk about? The guy that is sitting at 70% in the face off circle? Or the one that scores at a point per game pace? I know where most people sit on this topic, so don't lie to yourself. The vast majority of you guys look at points and emphasis that more then other items in judging a players success or lack there of (see: VHL HOF).


    With this in mind, the question can become, is it worth spending time to create a forward that isn't a black hole when playing defence? In short, probably yes, however to a point. Being able to strictly defend will not get you anywhere in a league where metrics and bonuses are measured by point production. Look at the bonus structure in the VHLM, it favours the guys that can score more. So a strategic build with emphasis on all areas is really what the goal should become so the player can not only set up and finish plays, but can also start and create them.


    In the end, when a forward has spend many hours perfecting their craft, the hundred foot game comes naturally. After all everyone has ceilings and when that apparatus is reached, focus must be shifted to another area. So in the end, perhaps this entire defensive awareness topic becomes a moot point? Or perhaps it does not? I have seen enough builds and going back a few years did a few myself to know what happens. It seems that more often then not, defensive styles will wash out for a more sexy style. Very few agents have been able to represent a defensive forward in the VHL. Perhaps this is a trend that can be broken in the future? Maybe, maybe not. However it would sure be interesting to see someone try.

  2. I just realized we have a problem. We have 3 centers on the team in Munk, D3vilsfire, and Strummer. You guys have all put a decent amount of tpe into face offs and all 3 of you deserving top 2 line time so would any of you be cool with playing wing?


    Also go here to vote for Yukon's captain

    32/41 in the FO circle so far.  I would prefer to stay in the middle

  3. Enroth played good, but the system made him look even better. Not to imply he didn't play great, but very little second opportunities for the Lightning that whole game. Tons of blocked shots, over 20 blocked shots combined for the Sabres. Make your goalie able to see all the shots he faces and take care of rebounds and block what you can. To me it's hard to deny the influence Nolan has made on that club. 

    I hear rumors of Nolan leaving at the end of year, and it makes me cry

  4. It has been an eventful few weeks for Lars Strummer.  This time last week he getting used to the idea that there was a second person in Saskatoon with him, not ideal but better then the previous year.  However now he is a member of a much more active team in the Yukon and has been drafted by a team his agent has never dealt with in Cologne.


    "It has been fun, or at least a lot more fun then the past year has been.  Playing in Saskatoon was a huge drag, at points I didn't want to come to the rink.  I can see that playing in the Yukon I will have a great chance to play with some great guys, and improve my game."


    With the VHL draft happening yesturday, Strummer was able to breathe a sigh of relief in knowing that he was going to a team committed to the long term with a strong vision.


    "I won't lie, in talking to my agent I was expecting that somehow I would end up in Riga (his agent has had every player he has represented play there at some point).  I was shocked at falling to ten, and seeing some of the guys that were picked ahead of me though.  Its water under the bridge and time for me to show up a few guys and prove some people wrong.  I do get to go to Cologne however, I like the guys there.  It seems like a fresh group and I am excited to get a few preseason games in before heading back to North America."



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