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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Bushito

    SEA/CGY: S67

    Considering Kovy has one season left and won't be spending it in Calgary and I get the top shelf center I need I think I'm fine
  2. Bushito

    SEA/CGY: S67

    Goin for that number one pick
  3. Yeah it’s not a graphics competition apparently it’s a popularity contest
  4. It's over, you have points to claim
  5. It's old, from the start of the month, just didn't have time to tally it until now. The notification was from me updating the first post which is stupid as fuck.
  6. Gold: Canada Silver: World Bronze: Mercs 6 Uncapped TPE @Renomitsu 5 Uncapped TPE @Bushito @Jubo07 @Tate @DollarAndADream @Beaviss @HenrikZoiderberg @oilmandan @SidTheKid87 @Acydburn @Kyle @Riggsy @Velevra @Green @Dalton Wilcox @11 Eleven @okocha5 @Jtv123 @DMaximus @Quik @Joubo @frescoelmo @Matt_O @street @hedgehog337 @Victor @Beketov @Cran @DangerGolding @Phil @BladeMaiden @Steve 3 Uncapped TPE @fonziGG @Sebster03 @DilIsPickle @MexicanCow123 @Big Mac @wcats @Philliefan @Romaris @Sullvino @ontanis @Thranduil @MacH @Sixersfan549 @Sharkstrong @PenKnight @CowboyinAmerica @HulkHogan @Midnite @JeffD @TheFlash @Kylrad @GRZ @DenisLever @FerdaJets @Greg_Di @.sniffuM @Datools @ItsMcLovin @Rayzor_7 @studentized @FacebookFighter @Cornholio @Dominus89 1 Uncapped TPE @omgitshim @gorlab
  7. Correctly predict the winner and score for 3 uncapped TPE 143 Seattle Bears @ Calgary Wranglers @Members
  8. 141 HC Davos Dynamo @ Moscow Menace 142 Toronto Legion @ Malmo Nighthawks 143 Seattle Bears @ Calgary Wranglers 145 Vancouver Wolves @ Helsinki Titans
  9. Correctly predict the 4 winners for 2 uncapped TPE 141 HC Davos Dynamo @ Moscow Menace 142 Toronto Legion @ Malmo Nighthawks 143 Seattle Bears @ Calgary Wranglers 145 Vancouver Wolves @ Helsinki Titans @Members
  10. 56 Helsinki Titans 57 Toronto Legion 58 Moscow Mules 59 New York Americans 2 Uncapped TPE @Motzaburger @Markoovskyz @wcats @Steve @Patpou22 @Matt_O @studentized @Joubo @Midnite @Beaviss @Matmenzinger @CowboyinAmerica @FacebookFighter @Velevra
  11. 4-3 Moscow 3 Uncapped TPE @hedgehog337 @Dangles13 @VanCanWin @leafsman @TacticalHammer
  12. I have to say being in 2 locker rooms with @BladeMaiden I can say she is very active, she is also a great scout of new talent and has a good grasp of linemaking and team building. i will also say @DilIsPickle is a great active locker room presence for Calgary, has helped me with lines a lot and also done some great scouting for Calgary as well. He has also done some great work for the league discord and should be a strong contender
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