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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Can we process this please @Will or whoever is simming these days
  2. I picked for you it’s all good
  3. Cornhole taking Peencarnacion and Canmore, Carry on
  4. @Exlaxchronicles you pick 2 at a time, its a snake draft @JohnnyT_77 you are a pick behind so pick again and you need to tag the person after you Also @monkeywrench15 you can go as well
  5. Kip Takes F - Podrick Cast F - Edwin Preencarnacion F - Leph Twinger @Beketov
  6. AW takes F - Sebastien Ironside and F - Jack Sheppard per list @Hybrid1486
  7. He needs a defender and a goalie and you need two forwards so he can't pick anything you want
  8. No, you have 3 without him F - Keaton Louth F - Gabriel Mcallister F - Sebastian Ironside
  9. As per list OMG takes F - Keaton LouthF - Leph Twinger @BOOM™
  10. It doesn't matter, you have 3 forwards
  11. Oh maybe he is I guess, I just looked at the Portal and it said retired
  12. You pick @wcats if it's been over 12 hours you can just go
  13. He's retired pick someone else
  14. Taylor picks Kallis Kriketers @nicolas01 @Arthurx2
  15. @DrHexDex F - Julian Borwinn @leafsman F - Scott Shawinganen D - Robert Malenko @DrHexDex F - Dan Wilinsky @Quik
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