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Mr Bohannan

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  1. Very nice another player card design, always love to see these. The main thing that pops into my eyes is the very, very nice job with the jersey swap. I might be tripping, but it looks very neat to me. The background and the frame is quite nice and I like it. Not sure why it says "Elite Elite" on the top, looks bit weird. The bottom bit is totally fine and the only thing I could point out is that I would like a bit more to the background of the text shape, not just plain grey. It kind of asks for something more than what it has. Review: 7/10
  2. Straight up I like what I see. I am not entirely sure where is the transition happening in terms of from where to where, but I love how you have decided to showcase it. First of all with the background that someone might miss, having two different city landscapes which is a nice touch. Then the obvious the two teams, the two team different colours and the logos as part of the jersey swap is super cool and unique. Good render choice as it is a nice and expressive render. The last, but not least is the text which is done very good and I think it perfectly fits with the whole composition. Review: 8/10
  3. Answers: 1. What is your VHL/M player mostly known for around the league? - Oof, I dont think he's known about anything yet, as he's still fresh in the league. 2. If you could name the arena your VHL/M team plays at, what would you call it? - The Royal Crown Arena 3. If you could create your VHL/M team’s mascot, what mascot suit would they be wearing and what would their name be? - Probably something like a royal guard outfit or something. But to be fair, London United needs a rebrand, it's a bad team name ;( ============================== Questions: 1. Is there any team that you think should be rebranded? 2. Do you think the US rink, smaller, rink size is better or the European rink, bigger size is better? 3. Ice tea or Ice Coffee?
  4. Ouuu fellow Saskatoon player, nice to see it. This banner is not bad at all, honestly, it's quite decent. Obviously to put the logo and the frame is nothing special, but I like how you've made the pattern of team's logo for the player number. Gives you a little pyjama vibes, but still cool haha. The only thing I would like to see is something else for the background, instead of plain colour grey. Even if it would have been gradient, would be nicer. Overall I like it. Review: 8/10
  5. Little review here. People probably gonna laugh about my league and hockey knowledge, but I have no clue has this picture has been altered or not when it comes to the name on the jersey and the colours, but it doesn't seem like (if it has, then props to you). I can see that you have applied some artistic filter to the picture, but that's about it. Of course the score tab, but that's a very simple addition. I honestly dont know what to rate here - the actual work put into it or it's difficulty. Overall I guess it works and fits for the section and the picture is good! Review: 6/10
  6. Answers: 1) Who is a new face to your team this season that you are excited to have? Im excited about both new faces Cash Carti and Pelayo Bolivar! Both of them already have proven their capabilities! 2) What do you think the VHL should giveaway for Season 100? 100TPE 3) Who do you think should go first overall in VHL Fantasy Hockey this season? Drosmis Sarkanis! Questions: 1. Do you like to take the whole month off work or little by little. 2. Have you ever been on a cruise ship vacation? 3. Best road trip to where?
  7. Oh wow, never thought I would see you in this part of the gfx section haha. I guess TPE is TPE, that's why Im gonna do a review here as well. To be fair, you could have just removed the other tommy from the main signature, like you said, that sig only needed one render, and put the other Shelby here and whola, that's your extra TPE haha. Obviously for you this was probably a couple of minute mock up just for that 1tpe you're missing, but hey, your reputation as a great gfx artist here, is on the line, so let me criticise this piece (all luv tho). The render cut is quite bad, even for a quick job, it is quite sloppy and might not be visible on a bright background, but on the dark background it gives away all the bits and pieces. On top of that I dont understand why you didnt use a full stick render and chose to go with a cut off on both ends, just doesnt look nice. On the good side, the text font is very nice, that alone could be turned into a simple and nice signature. The touchwith the logo as a pin on Tommy's coat is cool as well. Overall: 6/10 (sowry)
  8. I checked some of the other pieces you've done and you're doing a pretty well job with them jersey colour and logo swaps, but it's funny how it feels like you pour the main work into that and then a little bit more into the background and the number, although seems like you already have a template for that, and then the personal career tpe information you just put the first ok looking font and typed it haha. I mean I get it, following a template, you cannot claim this as full gfx tpe, so have to post it here, so why bother right? Overall it is not a bad card, like I said - good job on the swaps which is my eyes is hard enough work. Overall 7/10
  9. A1. What's your favorite media spot you've seen in the VHL? - Sadly I do not visit the media spot section, therefore I dont have any favorite ones. A2. What's your favorite food to cook? - It does not have a name as it is something I just make, but it would be chopped and cooked onions with cooked chicken in ketchup. And then you can add whatever you want as a side, I usually add pasta. A3. How's your favorite sports team doing/done this year? - They doing quite good for the team it is. Right now they are placed 8th in a 16 team conference. Q1 - What is the last infomercial you've seen? Q2 - If you would be balding, would you grow out the hair and hide the balding spot with the long hair you have around it or would you just shave the head? Q3 - Coffe or Tea?
  10. True, cuz it's done brilliantly!
  11. okey, very nice signature. Im always for new styles and ways to introduce the old in new looks and this one is one of them. While I would not say that this is technically the hardest work, but it is still well made. I like that you have found your style that you feel comfortable with you skill level and you are making the best out of it. Well done on the helmet re-design and applying the teams logo, which makes me believe that you could also do a good job with jersey swaps if you would make a signature of that sorts. Rating: 7/10
  12. BOOM BOOM BOOM, you never stop to impress me with your pieces and this one is not an exception. To be fair, this one is one of the best ones I've seen from you. It's almost like everything is spot on in this work of art. The manipulation with the player to make Tommy Shelby as a hockey player and of course the jersey swaps is just spot on. The main character is very, very well done, while the second player is done very good as well, but the head does look a little bit too big and doesn't merge with the body as good as the main Tommy, which kind of takes away from this piece being a full perfection. Nonetheless this is an art work and I love seeing these type of pieces. I feel like there should almost be exceptions for very high quality submissions, like this, to get more capped TPE than 6. Rating: 9/10
  13. 1. Whistling in the building will bring bad luck 2. Maybe Basketball 3. His Mum! Questions: 1. Does you player ever been in Vegas to gamble? 2. If you could re-locate one of the VHL teams, where would you relocate and which team? 3. Besides English, what language you think everyone should know?
  14. Ohhhkaaaay, this is something. I literally just wrote a short review on someone else's trading card design as I love to see what people come up with and I told that, that one felt unfinished, but your piece looks like next level. This properly looks like a professional players trading card. Honestly I just spend couple of minutes just looking at it and trying to find something that I could point out even as a subjective opinion about what could be done better, but I could not find anything. I love the whole design, the little shapes and dots as the backgrounds, the player render cut, the larger logo as the background and the use of space for stats. This is just awesome. I wish I would have one like this for my player haha. Rating: 10/10 (For the very first time Im not even debating this rating)
  15. Love trading cards and all that, but this one unfortunately is not hitting the spot for me. I always come to check the trading card game to see the different ways how people make them, especially the frames of the cards and what other info they put on. To be fair this card is not a bad one, it just feels unfinished, feels like you made the initial idea of the frame which is shaped the same way the VHL logo is, which is cool, but then that's it. I wish there would be more separation on the main frame part of the card and maybe even bennet background for the player. Yeh that's it, I feel it could be a very nice trading card if worked a tiny bit more. Rating: 6/10
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