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Posts posted by Apoc_Chaos

  1. On 9/30/2019 at 10:08 AM, Mr_Hatter said:



    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE


    1) Rough game against Vegas. Was it their goalie standing on his head, or our fault for not putting quality shots on goal?
    2) Brendan James Lawn got a Major/Game Misconduct early in the first period. Do you think it was deserved? 
    3) Houston has jumped up on us in the standings, is that cause for alarm? 
    4) Perhaps more interesting is the run Mississauga is on, having won all ten of their last games. What do you think they changed to go on such a run?
    5) Speaking of Mississauga, we face them next. Who is going to take the game?
    6) The difference between first and sixth this year is only 7 points currently. Will this continue to the end of the season? 
    7) As mentioned in an earlier conference, our scoring is pretty spread out. Who do you think will lead our team by the end of the season? 
    ? Looking back to our blue line, on the defensive end our boys are pretty consistent for Shots Blocked, but DeYeeto and Amberback are leading on Hits. Makes sense as they are our top two pairing. Who do you think has been our most valuable defensive contributor so far this season? 
    9) We’ve played Mexico 7 times so far this season, and have won all but one. Why do you think we match up so well against them?
    10) Conversely, we’ve played Mississauga twice and lost both, once in regulation and the other in OT. Small sample size, or an unfortunate trend? 

    1) We clearly had a bad game, we beat them 5-1 right before that so we got a bit full of ourselves and let that game slip away.

    3) Not at all we're on a bit of a roll lately so as long as we keep playing our game we'll be fine

    4) I feel like I'm cheating a bit here being late to the question but they must have done a few line up juggles but it doesn't matter, we put a stop to their little streak

    5) Again feel a bit cheaty but I have a feeling we will win both of the next two games against them, one 4-3 and the other a 6-1 smacking

    6) I think as we approach the midpoint of the season we will start to see separation between the top teams and the middle teams, as there is a bit of skill difference between them

    9) It's just a matter of having a superior strategy and structure to your game and ours works really well against them, we almost always seem to have a handicap against them right off the bat.

  2. On 9/23/2019 at 10:11 AM, Mr_Hatter said:



    Answer 6 questions to claim 2 TPE


    1) 18 games in and we are top of the league! Anything you’d like to say to that?
    2) Do you think we will maintain first position, or will it slip?
    3) Who do you think our biggest challengers are? Vegas, in second place, or someone else?
    4) What kind of pasta is your favorite kind? 
    5) We are currently leading the league in goal differential. Is that thanks to our defense, or offense?
    6) We’ve lost 3 games in OT so far. What can we do to close those tight games out? 
    7) Both the Reapers and the Lynx, the other two of the top three from last season, are in the bottom four. What do you think we’ve done differently to be able to stay at the top of the league?
    8) Right now we have no players in the top 7 for points, but 6 out of the next 7. What do you think that says about our team?
    9) Right now we have arguably the best goalie in the league in Ligriv, leading in save percentage, although trailing Sean McGee in GAA. How does having such a strong presence back in the net make you feel?
    10) Halifax has scored 69 goals and let in 69 goals. Thoughts? 


    (1)  I am definitely happy with the way we are performing and clicking as a team, practices have really good pace to them and that helps when it comes to games as we are already making decisions at game speed.


    (3)  I don't honestly think Vegas is much of a challenge for us seeing as though the don't even have a goalie on their roster. If I had to say anyone I'd say Houston as of right now being only three points behind us and winning six in a row. They are on fire lately.


    (4)  You can never go wrong with a nice cheesy meaty lasagna in my opinion.


    (5)  I think it is for sure thanks to our defense and goaltending. Our defense has been on shut down mode since week three and when chance do get through, Ligriv is there to shut the door.


    (8) I think it says wonders about our team, how we don't rely on one player or line to produce for us. We have players across all four lines that can step up and produce whenever needed and I believe that's what it takes to succeed in this league.


    (9)  I absolutely love having him back there, everyone is confident in him so it lets us take a bit more chances which result in better scoring opportunities and chances for us.


    (10)  I think they should stop messing around and start playing some hockey. They have a lot of ground to make up for such silly theatrics.

  3. Hometown;

    Edmonton, Alberta


    6'2, 155 lbs Age: 24



    The 24 year old rookie has flown under radars most of his life but is ready to prove he belongs with the best of them with his work ethic and constant drive to grow as a player and a leader on and off the ice. The Left Winger from Edmonton was picked up by the Minnesota Storm and given his long awaited chance to prove his worth.




    Passing: He has an amazing eye for his team mates tape, especially in the offensive zone. He has exceptional usage of the saucer pass to get the puck trough traffic to set up team mates wherever they may be. He has the ability to draw defenders in towards him with his mesmerizing puck handling skill and speed, creating more space for his linemates. He has a pass first mentality but it is not a hindrance as he still knows when to pick his spots to fire the puck into the twine. 


    Hockey IQ: Has a great sense of where everyone is on the ice and is exceptional at reading and reacting to the play to always stay involved any way he can. Can always find that lane to the open, dangerous team mate and also knows how to get himself in dangerous positions. His IQ is not only apparent in the Offensive zone, he is also really good in the Defensive zone and on the back check, he's aware of the dangerous players on the other team and always makes an effort to cover them so they don't get gimme goals.


    Speed: His acceleration is among the best in the game and he has the ability to make high tier plays at the high speeds he's capable of moving at. He can easily create separation between himself and defenders on the rush, and he has a very quik first step so he can quickly step around defenders if he has to. He also brings this speed on the back check, being one of the first forwards back no matter how involved in the offensive zone he was. 




    Physical play: Being only 6'2 155 lbs he isn't the biggest player on the ice out there, he doesn't play with a very physical edge as he isn't intimidating in terms of size, but he doesn't allow that to hinder his play, he still knows how to throw his body around when the time calls for it, a;though it can be hard at times due to his size.


    Inexperience: Being a rookie at 24 he definitely has a slower start to his career, however he is determined to not let that impact him in any way. He has the willingness to learn and improve every time he steps on the ice. 


    Discipline: He is very very passionate about the game he plays, that said sometimes he can be too passionate and it can turn into bad penalties. Sometimes short temper gets the better of him and he'll let a slash loose after taking a hit or losing control of the puck. He also enjoys the after the whistle scrum that happens now and then, but can occasionally get carried away in them. If he can start getting that under control he should start heading up in the league.




  4. 1) So far I like the league and the community. A lot of great people who seem very involved with this league.

    2) Well it's my first day in the league so I don't have any suggestions as of this moment, everything seems pretty good!

    3) I did skim through the newsletter and found some pretty handy tips and info I'll be sure to use throughout my career here.

    4) My aims are just to learn the ropes a bit and improve on my passing abilities throughout the year.

    5) Looking at the standings it seems Houston is off to a strong start to the year as well as Yukon, however I have full faith in Minnesota this year

    6c) I am definitely a player that likes to try setting up his linemates, try to feed them on the tape in high chance areas, pull defenders towards me with my speed and puck skills, that sort of thing. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Rayzor_7 said:

    Hey there @Apoc_Chaos


    I would like to extend an offer to you to join Minnesota. 

    We can offer second line minutes as well as PK/PP time if you stay active and want to compete!

    We are the returning cup finalists and are looking to take another run at it this season!
    If you are interested just quote this and say "accepted" and I can send you a contract offer.




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