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Posts posted by Daxoftheflame

  1. 1 hour ago, Bushito said:

    Correctly predict all four winners for 2 uncapped TPE


    408  Vancouver Wolves @ Moscow Menace

    409 Prague Phantoms @ Malmo Nighthawks

    410 Helsinki Titans @ HC Davos Dynamo

    411 New York Americans @ Calgary Wranglers 








  2. 21 hours ago, Poptart said:


    Questions for Las Vegas: 

    1. What do you think of our performance as a team this year? I don't think any of us are satisfied with how the team has done, and we'll continue to watch the film and try fix the technique issues and get this team headed in the right direction.
    2. What do you think about your performance as a player this year? I'm still new to the team, but I'll continue to do what the coaches ask of me and put the work in and leave it all out on the ice. 
    3. What trade deadline deal would you have made? I'll leave that to the front office guys. We're, as a team, worried about the things we can control.
    4. Which line combinations would you suggest to use? The coaches get paid just like we do, that's their decision to make. Mine is to make plays on the ice and I'll continue to try and get better at all phases of the game.
    5. Team event: what are we going to do? Probably nothing, to be honest. I know that I personally am not satisfied with our performances, so I'm focused on improving and I think the consensus in the locker room is that we have more important things to worry about. Don't get me wrong, we do need to find a way to bring this team together, but our focus should be on improving the on ice product.
    6. What are your pet peeves? People that have more excuses than solutions. 
    7. What is your theme song for when you are introduced to the Vegas crowd? "Harvester of Sorrow" by Metallica
    8. Favorite thing to do in Vegas? I'm still getting acclimated to the city, but I love the classic car culture the dry environment here allows. There are some beautiful creations spanning the generations of automobiles. 
    9. Hypothetically If you were late for practice one morning; which team-mate would you count on to cover for you? I'm a firm believer in holding yourself accountable and in doing the right thing. I would never ask someone to cover for me. This is Pro Sports, the team's owner, management, the fans... They all expect us to be dedicated and to do what's best for the team, and that's what I plan to do.
    10. Do you prefer goals or assists? I prefer winning. If it's scoring a bunch of goals, then so be it. Stats only matter to analysts and fans. The only thing I'm worried about is finding ways to win and making sure I'm doing my part.

    @Higgins @thekillamon @Daxoftheflame @Eric @GBatesy25  @jakejohn17 @Jesse @Julian Dalvao @Briedaqueduc @Matt Jones @imeanttosaysaturn @Beerfridge @Jepox @RJ.2002 @Scott S @Psyduck77 @Prezzys


  3. 22 minutes ago, Poptart said:


    Hey @Daxoftheflame!


    First off, welcome to the league! I wanted to take a couple seconds and reach out as we think your player. would be a good fit to our team! Please note, other GMs may also offer, so feel free to take as much time as you would like before making a decision. 


    Join the Aces! 


    Currently, we are at the bottom of the league, I know you probably looked at the standings and saw that, but with me officially the New General Manager, I am not going to sit back and just watch that happen. This is the time where I think our players can shine. We have a few defenseman who are in the top leaderboard in a few categories, but it's time to get some other players there. I would love to help you build the player you want to make. That's the type of GM in which I will be. I want you to be the player you want to be while I fit you into our system. I am always there to help with builds or any questions you may have on the league. 


    So, how about we make Vegas your home and make VHL GMs want you to be part of their team? I know you will receive a few offers, so I wish you the best if you do not choose to take your talents to Vegas (though I hope you do!). 

    Just quote this offer and say "I want to get Lucky" if you want to join the Aces!


    I wanna get lucky!

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