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diacope 2

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Everything posted by diacope 2

  1. Welcome to the VHL, @Griff001 I'm a_Ferk, the Assistant General Manager of the Saskatoon Wild. This is a team with a deep history in the league and has enjoyed recent success as well, with two Founder's Cups in the past six seasons. Most importantly, Saskatoon enjoys a well-earned reputation as a great place to start your VHL career. We are currently able to offer you a spot on the fourth line. If you feel that Saskatoon is the right place for you, simply quote this post and say, "#SaskyBois."
  2. Welcome to the VHL, @Kolby I'm a_Ferk, the Assistant General Manager of the Saskatoon Wild. This is a team with a deep history in the league and has enjoyed recent success as well, with two Founder's Cups in the past six seasons. Most importantly, Saskatoon enjoys a well-earned reputation as a great place to start your VHL career. We are currently able to offer you a spot on the fourth line. If you feel that Saskatoon is the right place for you, simply quote this post and say, "#SaskyBois."
  3. Welcome to the VHL, @Hopki Thrasher I'm a_Ferk, the Assistant General Manager of the Saskatoon Wild. This is a team with a deep history in the league and has enjoyed recent success as well, with two Founder's Cups in the past six seasons. Most importantly, Saskatoon enjoys a well-earned reputation as a great place to start your VHL career. We are currently able to offer you a spot on the third line. If you feel that Saskatoon is the right place for you, simply quote this post and say, "#SaskyBois."
  4. Welcome to the VHL, @SilentFire I'm a_Ferk, the Assistant General Manager of the Saskatoon Wild. This is a team with a deep history in the league and has enjoyed recent success as well, with two Founder's Cups in the past six seasons. Most importantly, Saskatoon enjoys a well-earned reputation as a great place to start your VHL career. We are currently able to offer you a spot on the third line. If you feel that Saskatoon is the right place for you, simply quote this post and say, "#SaskyBois."
  5. Welcome to the VHL, @Dioptricboss64 I'm a_Ferk, the Assistant General Manager of the Saskatoon Wild. This is a team with a deep history in the league and has enjoyed recent success as well, with two Founder's Cups in the past six seasons. Most importantly, Saskatoon enjoys a well-earned reputation as a great place to start your VHL career. We are currently able to offer you a spot on the third line. If you feel that Saskatoon is the right place for you, simply quote this post and say, "#SaskyBois."
  6. Welcome to the VHL, @Guillaume Beaulieu I'm a_Ferk, the Assistant General Manager of the Saskatoon Wild. This is a team with a deep history in the league and has enjoyed recent success as well, with two Founder's Cups in the past six seasons. Most importantly, Saskatoon enjoys a well-earned reputation as a great place to start your VHL career. We are currently able to offer you a spot on the third line. If you feel that Saskatoon is the right place for you, simply quote this post and say, "#SaskyBois."
  7. Welcome to the VHL, @Arjy I'm a_Ferk, the Assistant General Manager of the Saskatoon Wild. This is a team with a deep history in the league and has enjoyed recent success as well, with two Founder's Cups in the past six seasons. Most importantly, Saskatoon enjoys a well-earned reputation as a great place to start your VHL career. We are currently able to offer you a spot on the third line. If you feel that Saskatoon is the right place for you, simply quote this post and say, "#SaskyBois."
  8. Welcome to the VHL, @NaCl I'm a_Ferk, the Assistant General Manager of the Saskatoon Wild. This is a team with a deep history in the league and has enjoyed recent success as well, with two Founder's Cups in the past six seasons. Most importantly, Saskatoon enjoys a well-earned reputation as a great place to start your VHL career. We are currently able to offer you a spot on the third line. If you feel that Saskatoon is the right place for you, simply quote this post and say, "#SaskyBois."
  9. Welcome to the VHL, @Gally I'm a_Ferk, the Assistant General Manager of the Saskatoon Wild. This is a team with a deep history in the league and has enjoyed recent success as well, with two Founder's Cups in the past six seasons. Most importantly, Saskatoon enjoys a well-earned reputation as a great place to start your VHL career. We are currently able to offer you a spot on the third line. If you feel that Saskatoon is the right place for you, simply quote this post and say, "#SaskyBois."
  10. Welcome to the VHL, @arozje I'm a_Ferk, the Assistant General Manager of the Saskatoon Wild. This is a team with a deep history in the league and has enjoyed recent success as well, with two Founder's Cups in the past six seasons. Most importantly, Saskatoon enjoys a well-earned reputation as a great place to start your VHL career. We are currently able to offer you a spot on the third line. If you feel that Saskatoon is the right place for you, simply quote this post and say, "#SaskyBois."
  11. 1. We are currently 5th in the standings, do you think we could be doing better? 2. Alex Zouzouambe is on the verge of being cut for not showing up to practice. Do you think this will adversely affect the team? 3. After a bad game, who are you most likely to turn to for support? 4. What are your thoughts on the new VHLM Junior teams? 5. Which CHL team do you cheer for? I'm a Swift Current Broncos fan. 6. How have you been spending your time during the pandemic?
  12. Just days into the regular season the Seattle Bears have proven what was speculated during the offseason; their offense is legit. The Bears currently have 53 goals for, and no other team in the VHL has hit the 40 mark yet. The Bears make an impressive number of appearances in the league leaders for stats. 5 Bears players place in the top 10 for points, 4 in the top 10 in goals, and 2 in the top 10 in assists. Furthermore, Jim Bob is tied for first in assists, and Timothy Brown is tied for first in goals. The Bears most impressive statline is a stat that many consider pretty useless, +/-. The impressive thing about this Bears team is that they have 10 main skaters, and the top 10 in +/- is completely filled with Seattle Bears players. It is truly a statement to how great they have been so far this season. At the beginning of the season, many wondered if the offense would be good enough to carry the defense. However, they have been great in their own right. Odin Omdahl currently leads in shot blocks, Lucifer Olivier Leveque, the rookie defenseman, is currently 4th in rookie scoring, and Randy Marsh is currently 5th in assists and 3rd in points by defensemen. Han Jae Kuk has already exceeded his point totals from the previous season, and it has only been 11 games. Jacob Tonn has also been lights out. Our of all the goalers to appear in 8 or more games this season, only Ajay Krishna has a higher save percentage than Tonn. He has a comfortable lead in wins as well with 10, while second place has 6. Many were wondering if Seattle was finally in a rebuild following the departures of Bears legends Hulk Hogan, Scott Greene, Rayz Funk and Berocka Sundqvist. Now, they must be not so so sure.
  13. Hello sir. Always nice to see a first gen do a Point Task in their first week, you'll have GMs lining up on draft day if you keep this up. I like your thoughts on your expectations for the season, and the antics with Cabe McJake. I liked your rundown of your player's career prior to joining the VHLM. One thing that your article could've improved on was the formatting. It's much easier to read an article in paragraph format, as opposed to a single wall of text. I'm a fan of pictures in articles as well. Overall 8/10 article, keep up the good work
  14. Hey Juice, nice interview. The fact that you were from Hungary intrigued me, and I didn't know you were from Yukon. You're quite possibly the only VHLer from either area, and it's cool to be unique. The interview was formatted nicely, I appreciated the contrast between bold and italics as that made it easy to follow. The use of an image is nice as it is something that many articles lack. Spelling and grammar is near perfect, which is always nice as well. 10/10 article.
  15. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one
  16. Sorry I took so long to respond haha. You're getting better! There is already a ton of improvement from the last sig you made for me ?
  17. My player is actually doing something, this is unprecedented ?
  18. F - Markus Nygren G - Raymond Bernard @GrittyIsKing09
  19. Since they moved webhosts, which was a month or two ago
  20. Also I appreciate that you fixed your sig lol @GrittyIsKing09
  21. F - Thomas Landry II F - SS Hornet @GrittyIsKing09
  22. It's been 12 hours, @Viperxhawks19is skipped. @Hoopydog Is on the clock
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