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Posts posted by Retuperkele

  1. On 5/13/2021 at 5:54 PM, Wolverine said:

    Hello VHL! Some quick press conference questions if you need them!


    #1. Who is your favorite VHL member? Why is it me?

    #2. How did you discover the VHL?

    #3. What is your favorite forum memory? {Ex. Mine is very recent, the whole Helsinki GM drama}

    #4. Why do you continue to stay active in the VHL?

    #5. Do you try to max-earn each week? Why or why not?

    #6. What's your favorite meal? Why is that your favorite meal?

    1. I like ferk, cause hes a frog. I also like you because you are very full of yourself ;)

    2. I was doing random googling ans stumbled across this platform, gave it a go, and here I am

    3. I really dont have a favorite forum memory right now, havent been around that long to have one

    4. Because my life situation right now is very much better than it has been for the last 2 years

    5. Max earn all the way, for that best possible player baby

    6. Fried rice with chicken and broccoli - just because its chicken and rice with a twist - godlike.

  2. Last VHML draft held a few big surprises for all the ladies and gentlemen watching it, as one of the most promising youngsters in the draft class, Luke Lily, fell all the way back to the 30th position being the 17th highest ranked player in his class. Right now we have Luke Lily between our staff members, moments before he boards the flight to beautiful Houston, Texas


    How does it make you feel to get drafted so late, being so high ranked on the boards?
    Of course it made me a bit sad. I was waiting to get called during the first 15 picks, because of my immense growth over the last few weeks, but after I heard names getting called after 16th, 17th, 18th, I almost gave up on hope - I felt that I was forgotten completely out of the class, but then Houston picked me up after nobody else did. Shame on those managers for skipping on me


    What are your initial thoughts on Houston as a franchise?
    I think they have done a fantastic job over the last few seasons, and I have my hopes up for our bright future. Hoping I will not get traded anywhere, because I hate moving teams, that means I have to move from apartment to another and I just _hate_ all the lifting that includes.


    How does it feel to get drafted into the team, where your stepbrother, Luukas Lilja, once played too?
    We are not in good terms with my stepbrother as he is now living with my father in Estonia, but I feel that it was just a fluke. There are many great teams I could have been drafted into, but Houston was the one who got me, and I think that really does not matter in the end. All in all it was just some coincidental winds blowing.


    What are your personal goals for your first season in the VHML?
    Naturally, I will go into the season with the mindset that we as a team are going to participate in the playoffs. That just means I need to round up my game more, as you already know I just shoot with great success, but that is not enough against the strongest teams in the league. Im also looking to secure my spot in the top-6 forward department, and some work needs to be done there also.


    Are you excited for the upcoming VHL draft for your part?
    Very excited. I still have a season to prove myself to all the scouts in there going after me. Im very capable and my potential is just immense, I just need to get some molding done.


    Is there any franchise you dislike from the VHL?

    I really hate Calgary, I support Edmonton, so that comes in naturally from me. I really like Malmö and Helsinki as franchises, and they are also very close to me. As I have said before I will not even take a peak towards the eastern side, Riga and Moscow, the language barrier is just too big for to handle.

  3. On 7/7/2021 at 9:26 PM, Baby Boomer said:

    1. Which season was your first in the VHL?

    2. Which season was your best? Why?

    3. Which season did you win the most trophies (team or individual)? What are the name of the trophies?

    4. How many season your first player took to go in the VHL? What did you do to accomplished that?

    5. What is your favorite name you saw in the VHL as of right now?

    6. Would you like to have a managment role (VHL commissioner, VHLM commissioner, GM, AGM, etc.)? If yes, which one?

    1. I think it was back in 75 or something like that

    2. Lilja with the Bulls, I think it was 76. I didnt get anything done in Saskatoon

    3. I didnt win any

    4. First player? My first one didnt reach VHL as I retired him because I didnt have time for VHL

    5. Red Lite caught my eye one day. Gotta go with that

    6. I think Assistant GM would fit my style the best. I dont like working alone, I like to have an extra perspective

  4. One of the players in this years VHLM draft class has recently skyrocketed himself through the rankings, all the way within the top-20, and that is of course none other than Luke Lily. The promising young estonian winger had a few words with us today at the office, with his expectations in the VHLM


    So tell me, Luke, what are your initial thoughts on your ranking skyrocketing suddenly?

    It has probably something to do with my work ethic. I recently did put on a few kilos, most of that is muscle, of course, but on top of that I rounded up my game a lot from just shooting and scoring to being a capable playmaker and defender. One could say im a complete packet


    Which team would benefit from you the most, and why?

    I do not keep track on the teams in the VHLM, only in the VHL I support both Helsinki and Malmö, because they are near me. I do not even take a peak towards the eastern side (which he here meant by Riga and Moscow) - but if a VHLM team would decide to draft me I will give them my very best and nothing else, or less.


    With which pick you are going to get drafted this year?

    As soon as possible, I despite teams who skip on me.

  5. Luke Lily, also known as the northern ranger, started his hockey career at a very young age. Back when he used to live in Finland with his mother and father, before they moved to Estonia in order for his father to pursue a better engineering career, his father was very keen on hockey. They lived in Tampere, which is the city of many teams. Two of those play at a major level, and the third one is first or second division. At a local battle of the two major teams, Ilves and Tappara, which they went to see together with his father, made him fell in love with the game even more than he had in his PE classes. 


    Straight after the game, Luke announced to his father with great excitement that he wants to be a professional hockey player. A proud father at that point decided to put his every thought and moment into starting his sons hockey career. First of the many questions was that which club he would like to represent, Ilves, Tappara or Koovee. Eventually, Luke went with Tappara since they won the clash of two major teams they went to see. Second one was which position, and he shouted "forward" - okay buddy, forward it is.


    At first there werent many successful moments, Luke was taught to skate from the beginning and it did not go as well as planned. Being short tempered, Luke called quits many times - but his father did not let him quit. After many years of hard work and countless hours spent together at ice hockey rinks all across Finland, Luke was called to Tappara's under-18 team - at the age of 16. This was something out of the ordinary as the u-18 team would only consist of players in the age of 17 or 18.


    Luke definitely took advantage of every moment he got with the team. He got stronger, faster and better in general. During his first year in the U-18 team he scored 29 goals in 41 games and collected 53 points for his team, made the first team selection and won the championship - this would happen yet again for two more years in the U-18 team, Luke scoring +20 goals in 40-45 games and winning the title every single time. Since he succeeded in the juniors, he was called to the mens team to play at professional level for Tappara, a dream come true for the young star.


    During his first year in the highest division of mens hockey in Finland, he played in all of the games he could - this included friendlies and european championship series. Across all competitions he scored 34 goals and collected 59 points. He would go and win the title during his first year, but in the last game of the finals he got injured very severely. His head collided with the boards after a crosscheck and was rushed to the hospital due to the severity of the collision. He suffered a concussion, and would not play hockey for three years.


    Now, after a year of training very hard, at the age of 25, he looks to pursue a career in the VHLM.

  6. Luke Lily enters the upcoming VHLM draft with great excitement. One of our scouts have been keeping en eye on this guy for a bit, and here are his pros and cons, for those wondering


    Lily definitely has a great selection of shots. Most importantly, his wristshot is just immaculate. It is accurate, deadly, and he has a very quick release - similar to Nathan Mackinnon from the Colorado Avalanche. His slapshot on the other hand is the complete opposite, but it is dangerous as well. His slapshot just might end up going to the stands or the net, you will never know before


    Luke has a really keen eye for every players position on the ice. He can keep track of everyone and anticipate players intentions and movement, and adjust his positioning accordingly


    Like said before, his positioning is out of this world. It is just like he is going to position himself to the place that his opposing forward is going to position a second later. Luke is always one step ahead of his opponents


    At 187centimeters ('6'11 for the americans) and 92 kilos (205pounds for americans) he is standing very tall and strong. Luke is very hard to get past by and he will run you over if he ever wants to do so


    Luke is the type of forward who likes to shoot rather than pass. His ambition to score is very clear and sometimes during attacks he does not spot a definite goal for his team if he would just pass the puck to other player. This does not come in handy especially on powerplay attacks.


    His reaction time is very off from time to time. He does suffer from ADD, so in faceoffs he is not the most reliable one to go with. Yes, he might end up getting the puck to his team somehow, but most of the time it will not be the case. 


    Luke is not a born leader. The mistakes he makes or his team makes are very costly to him, even if they are minor. 


    He is not very great from his hands, I will tell you that. Luke relies heavily on his positioning where he does not need to deke and dangle all over the place. Most of his giveaways happen in the opposing blueline, since he cannot keep the puck to himself. Most of the time Luke will slam the puck to the opposing end and skate past defenders.

  7. Have to say im impressed. This ones grammarly fine, no errors to be seen - love the pictures you provide and in general this is well done. 

    One thing I really enjoy is your formatting, the sentences arent so long and are put out nicely.



  8. Over the last few days, there has been discussion about Luke Lily and his preference to represent his country on mens level in ice hockey. As his mother is from Finland and his father is from Estonia, he has dual-citizenship and therefore can choose to play for either Finland or Estonia. We had a discussion with him about the subject over coffee in his flat in Tampere


    Have you decided yet which country you are going to represent in the future?
    I think the answer of very clear here. Finland has better potential to succeed in comparison to Estonia, who really dont even know what ice hockey is - or they are at the basic level of it. Especially when my parents split up when I was in my teens, I ended up moving back to Finland with my mother and living with her. I'm still in touch with my father every once in a while, but he really does not care about my wellbeing or health in general. He just wants to know if im alive, so to speak


    For those of you who might not have heard about this upcoming rising star from Estonia, Luke Lily, I will tell you that he is a very magnificent guy with insane potential. The dude has immense work ethic and he does really put every muscle through the pain and suffering you call progress. We have gathered here in order to interview this young, promising star who looks to sign with his VHLM team very shortly.


    Not many have heard of you, but who do you really are?
    Im Luke, 25, from Pärnu, Estonia - and my goal is to be in the VHL at some point of my career. 


    Whats the best thing you can provide to your team?
    My absolute best qualities are my game vision and my shooting. 


    How did you end up being a hockey player?
    Back when I was just a kid playing hockey in his neighbourhood in Estonia, we used to play with the kids around the block a lot, which meant that we would play all day every day together. One time when we had ice hockey in our school's PE program, all the fellas did fell in love with it - ever since when there has been any good weather to play hockey, we have played hockey. Outside, while it is snowing like crazy and nearly -30 degrees? Definitely. When my body was exhausted and sore as hell and breathing did hurt, it was the absolute best feeling in the world - the feeling of progress. 


    If you could choose one hockey player to be your teammate for the rest of your career, who would it be and why?
    That is insanely tough question, my dude, but I will have to go with Cale Makar from the Colorado Avalanche. That guy is just amazing on the ice, he reads the play very well and skates even better so whenever there is going to be a possibility opening up in the opposing end or in our end, he is always there when he is needed to create chances or prevent those from happening in our own end. Also he is close to my age so we would play the entirety of my career together, without him retiring earlier than me


    Do you have any pre-game routines - and if you do, what are those?
    I actually do have pre-game routines, my ones include drinking a bunch of vitamin water and coffee to keep my body going throughout the game. I also feast on high protein meats, such as chicken or tuna or steak and broccoli. If you see me eating anything else than broccoli with my meats, you can pray to god and start looking for signs of the apocalypse incoming. I just love broccoli, thats it. It goes so well with every dish that I have in my meal plans, also high in protein - the perfect vegetable. Yes, I do eat vegetables a lot, despite being a man - call me a pussy if you want, but im strong as hell and eating properly.

  10. On 6/20/2021 at 11:55 PM, BladeMaiden said:

    1. What piece of clothing or accessory can someone wear that immediately makes you have a bad opinion of them as a person?

    2.What company or franchise do you wish would go out of business?

    3. What behaviours make you think a person is creepy?

    4. Who in the VHL seems the most down to earth?

    5. What’s the funniest or most amazing cell phone cover you have seen?

    6. Which musical artist is greatly overrated?


    1. For me it has always been the baggy pants that people wear under their cheeks. Makes me sick, looks like crap

    2. Nestle, because reasons beyond imaginable

    3. Undecisive, uncertain, unsure, these three make up a good creep

    4. Havent been around for ages so I really cannot tell

    5. Havent seen many, but I really enjoyed one abstract cover with shades of red and black

    6. 21 pilots. Theyre just garbage in general

  11. On 12/26/2020 at 4:27 AM, IHateBobNutting said:

    1.  What aspect of Hockey (Defense, Stick Handling, etc.) do you think is the most underappreciated?

    2. The NHL has the Lady Byng Memorial Trophy for the player who exhibited outstanding sportsmanship. What should the name of that trophy be in the VHL?

    3. Who do you think deserves to win the award this year?

    4. Who do you think is your team's MVP this season?

    5. What is your favorite holiday?

    6. If the VHL has an expansion, what city would you like to see get a team?



    1. Movement, hockey is so eccentric you need good around the ice

    2. Good guy award

    3. Patrik laine

    4. I didnt play but I guess cabe mcjake

    5. Christmas

    6. More teams in finland, so Tampere

  12. On 12/10/2020 at 5:57 AM, Ledge_and_Dairy said:

    Free Pressers for all!! Merry Christmas!


    1. Who is the best at among us in the VHL?


    2. If you had to choose a VHL team to join, who would you go to and why?


    3. Would you rather eat a bathtub full of kranch or stay in a pool of mayonnaise for 4 hours?


    4. Who is funnier-Dil or Rory?


    5. What's the worst movie you've ever seen and why?


    6. Would you rather fight one hundred duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?


    1. The guy behind dominic gobeil

    2. Helsinki titans because im finnish

    3. Stay in a pool of mayo

    4. Dil

    5. Gingerbreadman, a B-tier horror movie

    6. 100 duck horses

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