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  1. 1. Your my favorite person in the vhl :) 2. Candy, chocolate mainly 3. Will Farrell 4. Put in as much work as I can to up my draft place 5. You of course 6. If I don't get drafted back the storm 7. Get a cup in the vhlm before moving on in my career
  2. 1. Tough season, no point to look at what's done , best focus on what's ahead and prepare best we can for next season 2. I am hoping for us to finish strong, few new pick ups , get ourselves Ina. Good mindset for the off season 3. I gotta say my hometown of Halifax . 4. That I'm not sure of , I haven't been looking to much into it . As I'm new in fairly unfamiliar with the cups haha 5. Favorite part is checking in , seeing the team grow and progress, talking within the community 6. Least favorite is the big essays and stuff, although it's not a must , I think there should be an alternative route for that extra bit of TPE , would be cool maybe see a little NHL 21 tournament or something as it's still hockey related ,or something , I'd be interested in brainstorming some ideas if there's open minds who are open to such 7. Weekend was great always nice to have a little downtime after 50+ hours a week of work
  3. Made a 15$ donation Transaction ID 83186030EF422303P keith schnare doubles week 1m cash 5 uncapped tpe
  4. 1. Has to be the hardest question ever asked , my mind goes blank everytime someone asks this haha , I'll stick with literally any music , i like it all, but Elton John will always be sickkkkk to me 2. My goal song would likely be something comedic like shake ya ass by Mystikal 3. First hockey memory is stepping on the ice for the first time and crying cause I couldn't even stand up at age 3/4 4. Hockey is my favorite by far, only sport I really got into other then recently I started liking basketball and following it more closely 5. Captain 100% , I'm a leader , always have been and it's just how I am, I enjoy to see others success and joyfulness , especially if I'm able to assist with that 6. I think sports in general come from a competitive nature so you have to be able to handle good and bad , it won't always be fun, you won't always win , but the most important is your enjoying what you do ,so I have to go with fun 7. I regret not being able to play as much hockey in my final minor years due to an injury
  5. Player Information Username: KINGSTEEZ Player Name: Keith Schnare Recruited From: YouTube Age: 27 Position: RW Height: 75 in. Weight: 185 lbs. Birthplace: Canada Player Page @VHLM GM
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