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Everything posted by Ptyrell

  1. You decide to go explore the city of rods for some shiny new Pokemon and find 3 that fit the bill! Elekid 16 Eevee 18 Magnemite 20
  2. After a luxurious 36 hour nap, James is finally ready to get rolling! And by rolling I mean rolling on his new sweet ride. First he heads to the Team Rocket drug dealer to buy a Max Repel for the day. He also buys 5 greatballs and 1 pokeball. Now it's time to take a ride on Route 1!
  3. Here is the official ruling on @Ricer13 visiting Johto and getting a Johto exclusive Pokemon on day 1. For most roles I'd probably say this is no big deal and just move on as it is unlikely to have a major effect on the game. After all there aren't any barriers to trainers trading for region exclusive pokemon with other trainers. Since Ricer is a Rival though, this potentially will have an impact on his Rival and the mini-pokedex competition between them. So I am awarding @McWolf 1 free visit to a Johto area, and telling Ricer to stay in Kanto from now on. If you have any questions or complaints, feel free to message me on Discord.
  4. One day you'll get someone who mods as beautifully as you do. But for today you get this, sorry Mimikyu 18 Abra 18 Meowth 15
  5. Elekid 18 Axew 18 Mimikyu 18 You catch axew in 3 tries and elekid in 2. Mimikyu defeats Growlithe and has 40 HP left!
  6. Elekid lv 17 Pidgey lv 17 Magnemite lv 18 Scizor completes the sweep! Scizor gains 6 levels and you multiple your current cash by 176x what you had. Edit: plus 10%
  7. Pokemon Level Zorua 20 Hawlucha 19 Zorua 17 Wow. 20% chance but you catch the Hawlucha on your first regular pokeball throw! On to Zoura.. Odds are much higher, but this one takes 2 throws. Hawlucha wrecks the small Zorua and stands over it gloating. Hawlucha gains 2 levels and you gain $143
  8. Meowth 16 Magnemite 20 Raikou 30 Let's see if you get some Ptyrell mod-luck... You've got 6 pokeball, 1 greatball and 1 ultra ball... Raikou has a catch rate of 1. Let's see! First the ultra ball... Wide left! Then the greatball.. Wide right! Only a 5% chance with the Pokeballs.. but you gotta try right? .. .. .. No luck. At least you have no trouble with the wild Pokemon! Your pokemon gain 2 levels each and you earn $290.
  9. You work all day in the bike shop and earn enough to buy one yourself! You decide to go for a joy ride and find Pidgey 16 Ralts 16 Pichu 17
  10. Ponyta shows these tiny Dragons who is BOSS and takes out the first 2 with 3 HP remaining. Jolteon finishes off the last one You gain $397 Ponyta gains 3 levels Jolteon gains 2 levels
  11. Level Koffing 15 Growlithe 18 Zapdos 30 Your Pokeball purchase from Amazon was eligible for 2 hour delivery! You start with the Growlithe... You catch it on the 2nd throw! Zapdos won't be so easy though... You start with Ultra Balls..... It escapes! You've got 6 greatballs to try.... You start chucking... *insert spoiler box here if I wasn't on mobile* You CATCH it on the 5th Throw!! You've caught the legendary Zapdos! Then Gastly uses Pursuit on Koffing... Koffing is too tanky though! Gastly faints. Who do you want to send out next?
  12. I will be taking the spot of James of Ream Rocket! If you prepared for trouble... make it double For my day 1 I will just work x 4. With my Team Rocket bonus money, I will buy a bike and work again.
  13. Day 1 concludes! Trainers with remaining actions will work with their remaining ones. In the night, Jesse shows up to @OrbitingDeath 's house. As she readies her pokemon, she sees something out front. A Magnemite with a cardboard sign next to it.. "FREE". Shrugging she takes the magnemite and runs. Day 2 begins!
  14. Abras don't teleport away from being caught, but they do have the highest Flee chance in the game... but it doesn't matter because the greatball works! Pokeball works on growlithe, but it takes 3. Ekans didn't like the water nearly as much as the plants did! Squirtle gains 2 levels. Squirtle Evolves into Wartortle! You gain $120 selling snakeskins.
  15. Exeggcute lv 16 Bellsprout lv 17 Squirtle starts off using water gun. It's not very effective and it just looks like you are watering the plants! Exeggcute takes it out. Next up is Ralts. But confusion isn't effective against Exeggcute either! How tough are those egg shells?! Exeggcute completes the sweep. Depressed, you head in to work and earn $625. Not bad! With your money and a spring in your step, you head to Saffron to do some gambling! Instead you find... Ekans 14 Abra 15 Growlithe 16
  16. Bellbo walks up to the tower and rings the doorbell. An ugly orc answers the door. Wait no, it's a Sneasel. You look behind him and see a goblin working in the mines. Wait no, it's a Gible. You ask the Sneasel orc who is in charge and it points to a tall figure in the shadows... the figure looks a lot like... you?? Wait no, it's a Mimikyu. And they are all level 18 instead of level 13 thanks to the max repel. Edit: see OD's post
  17. Meowth 18 Magnemite 17 Magnemite 15 Meowth is napping so you capture it in 1. Magenmite is just sort of zoning out so you capture it in 2 Machop chops down the other Magnemite and gains 2 levels. You earn $135!
  18. Meowth 18 Magnemite 17 Magnemite 15
  19. Gastly 15 Gastly 13 Sneasel 16 Sneasel is caught on the first try! Gastly as well! 2 levels to machop and $103
  20. Abra 14 Eevee 18 Abra 13 You decide to prioritize the Eevee, due to its equivalent value in firstborns. On your first throw...
  21. Geodude 13 Ponyta 13 Litwick 18 You throw a Great ball and catch the ponyta! Good thing you got me this time! Bulbasaur takes out geodude easily. Litwick is next, but Litwick has the first attack after the switch.. Litwick uses inferno..
  22. Encounter levels were changed! You are so nervous that you throw the greatball over the Sneasel's head! Embarrassed you throw all 5 pokeballs at it... Sneasel hides in a shadow and they all miss!! Is your bad luck contagious???
  23. In the city of lights you find Magnemite 16 Magnemite 17 Meowth 14
  24. You work at the power plant and earn $559
  25. Scizor and Eevee gain 3 levels, Honedge gains 2 levels. You gain $346.
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