Brace yourself...
Last Will:
N1: omg > Goliathus (who died to pirate)
N2: EE - roleblocked
n3: osens > omg (who died to CL and jugg)
Alive (13)
Me - tracker
Devise - trans n2 ricer/omg n3 doom/adv
Ricer - trans n2 ptyrell/doom, n3 wentz/ricer
Wentz - medium
Jhatty - escort n1 sixers n2 doom (ptyrell) n3 wentz (ricer) poisoned
Doom - claims vigi n3 n0hbdy (def too high)
Nohbdy - claims survivor, n3 vest and attacked
Jericho - claims invest n1 devise trans n2 jhatty escort n3 juice surv/VH/amne/medusa/psychic
Juice- claims GA turned survivor, was dueled n3 when coven killed pirate
Mr Hatter - claims sheriff n1 osens inno n2 doom inno (ptyrell), n3 flex sus
Osens - claims LO, controlled by witch n1, n3 doom (adv) visited by devise
Mmflex - claims invest, poisoned n1 hatter sheriff/exe/ww/poisoner, n3 doom (adv) vigi/vet/maf/pirate/ambu
Advantage - claims vet
Jugg -
PM -
CL -
Poisoner -
Dead (8)
Goli - spy
Domg - necro
Barzal - doc
Sixers - trapper
EE - exe
Lefty - vigi
Berocka - psychic n1 doom/nohbdy/domg n2 doom/ricer
Omg - pirate