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Everything posted by Ptyrell

  1. I'm sorry, I realize I forgot to say my role yesterday after saying I would. Hasn't been useful this far, but it's a role that gets better in the late game. My will isn't fully updated yet for today but it is pretty fleshed out otherwise Last will: Retri N1: none N2: LO osens, no visitors N3: none N4: none Bodies available: none ----- Claims Berocka - invest n1 gus invest/consig/mayor/tracker/pB/, n2 bigAl, survivor/VH/amne/medusa/psychic n3 jericho framer/vamp/jest/hex Gus - tracker n1 rory n2 berocka>bigAl n3 bigAl jailed Advantage - doc n1 ricer n2 jericho Barzal - spy n1 omg, doom n2 omg x 2, n3 gus x 2 Osens - psychic n1 flex/doom/adv n2 barzal/rory, n3 ricer/doom/adv Goli Ptyrell - retri Devise Jericho - trapper jailed n1, placed trap? N4 jailed NSG Big Al - psychic n1 mmflex/omg/pty, m2 devise/pty n3 jailed Dead Spartan jester Flex LO - n1 doom>Adv Rory - psychic n1 mmflex/ricer/spartan Omg - jester Ricer - medium Doom - disguiser ----- Notes Monitor Gus' tracker results. Maybe PB If OMG was crusader, berocka has defense Jericho double talk with weak claim. Need evidence of trap activation. Also framer results by invest One of goli/devise/nsg is probably jailor. The other 2 are probably evil Need to figure out what neutrals we have
  2. @WentzKneeFan036can you confirm Ricer's role?
  3. And also, the only person we have who visited bigAl n2 was berocka. So if omg is telling the truth and was forged, then berocka has basic defense. Crusader deals a basic attack
  4. So with 2 mafia visiting omg on the night he died, I'm actually starting to believe him now. What is he saying @Ricer13?
  5. I wonder who was jailed n2. That person is probably evil
  6. Can someone make a list of who hasn't voted for Doom, as well as the last few who voted?
  7. Gus and Berocka have not shared their info yet
  8. To clarify, are you saying Jericho wasn't jailed? Or that he was jailed and had a sketch claim? Because, yes if he was trapper, he should have placed last night.
  9. Also where is our other TI info for the day?
  10. I dont actually think bigAl is mafia, and I dont think he thinks me and jericho are mafia. Just bantering
  11. Having played mafia with Jericho in the past, I can vouch that he is smart enough on his own for this game lol
  12. I will claim later today, in case I have a chance to catch someone in a lie. Here is what I have for a role list: Claims Berocka - invest n1 gus invest/consig/mayor/tracker/pB/, n2 bigAl survivor/VH/amne/medusa/psychic Gus - tracker n1 rory n2 berocka>bigAl Ricer - medium Advantage - doc n1 ricer n2 jericho Barzal - "TI" Osens - psychic n1 flex/doom/adv n2 barzal/rory n3 ricer/doom/bigAl Doom - visits people Goli Ptyrell *redacted* Devise Jericho - trapper, jailed n1. Hasnt placed trap yet? NSG Big Al - psychic n1 mmflex/omg/pty, m2 devise/pty n3 jailed Dead Spartan jester? Or forged Flex LO - n1 doom>Adv Rory - psychic n1 mmflex/ricer/spartan Omg - jester? Or forged. Claims attacked someone n2 as crusader
  13. Doom is the obvious choice today, as he directly contradicted the last will of the confirmed lookout. And that lookout was voted out, so we know that will isn't forged. Though RIP for doom, as the last will was posted after he contradicted it lol Vote Doom
  14. Did spartan claim forged BEFORE omg did, or AFTER? @Ricer13
  15. I'm sorry I'm trying to catch up right now but am also in the middle of dinner with family. I find it strange that mafia would forge 2 people both as jesters 2 nights in a row, including omg who had no claim up to that point. So I dont trust omg is what I'm saying. This whole Ricer/Doom/Adv thing is confusing and I haven't had a change to fully read it yet, but I'll trust the majority since I can't review myself. Do we have enough now? VOTE DOOM
  16. I have nothing to hide, but also I am not a TI and it will be better if I dont reveal today unless necessary. I wanna know what the wiki says statistically about someone like me who has appeared in both the evil and good visions
  17. Again, those psychic readings don't mean barzal is evil, just that he or osens is good. They can BOTH be good.
  18. Osens what are your results? I'll be honest, I was expecting bigAl to come out today and say he got his exe win, as osens being the first psychic to reveal made him more believable. I'm not sure what to think now.
  19. Remember Devise and I could both be good. It isn't mutually exclusive
  20. My initial thought was bigAl was exe, but at this point we have to vote flex. Especially with him staying silent. Need to get more activity on here and more votes out. Vote Flex Also, last Eagles game, there were like 4 tracker claims or something. I think maybe there was an exe mixed in there as well.. It seems like Eagles' idea of crazy is giving town a bunch of TIs lol
  21. Are you a serial killer rory? @MMFLEXwhat's your claim
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