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About dpowers49

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  1. 1. Definitely think picking up more picks was the right move, we should be able to pick up some key players with them. 2. I definitely think it’ll be interesting to see how it work out for both leagues. Should shake things up quite a bit. Excited to see how they do at that level. 6. As a Stars fan, I’d have to say my boi Roope Hintz. He had a slow start to the season on the scoresheet but I think he’s bound to pick it up as the season goes on. Definitely dangerous. 7. Not sure if it really counts, but Final Destination definitely shook me a bit. 8. Absolutely 9. Definitely a biased answer but Miro Heiskanen. Dude is a stud on both sides of the puck and has crazy hockey IQ.
  2. Confirmed, sorry I just saw this post
  3. 1. I would love to see us win both obviously. I’d like us to finish really strong and carry that momentum into the playoffs. 2. Chicken Alfredo with broccoli, my favorite. Carbs, protein, and veggies, can’t go wrong. 3. I’m gonna say Janser, dude has been lighting it up this year. But Carmeal definitely could take it as well. 4. Gonna party as hard as ovi did… although that might actually be dangerous so maybe not that hard. 5. Unpopular opinion, but Warrior. Always been a fan of they’re equipment, regardless of sport. And no I’m not paid to say that… yet! Warrior my agent is waiting. 6. Well being originally from Honolulu, I’d love to see a team there. I’d go with the Honolulu Hammerheads. 7. I don’t drink Gatorade too often, but I do like the body armors. Strawberry banana, hands down
  4. 1. I think our powerplay has been good since the changes, but we lack consistency. We’ll get it done though, we just have to work together as a team and I’m confident in these guys. 2. I believe so, we’ve struggled to find our feet at time (myself definitely included). I have no doubt in my mind this team can make and succeed in the playoffs. 3. Yeah, I’m feeling good about my ice time. I’ve been feeling myself in the faceoff circle, but I’ve gotta get some points on the board if I want to continue to see said ice time. And that’s what I’m focusing on for myself, but whatever helps my team win games I’m all for. 5. Man, those guys have been tearing it up since joining the team. They’ve been a huge presence on and off the ice for this team so far, and I’m excited to work with these guys to push for the playoffs. 7. I’m a huge Dallas Stars fan, even though they’ve struggled to find they’re groove so far this season. They’ve had slow starts before and pushed far in the playoffs, so I’m not concerned yet. 8. I’m really hoping this is the year for Toronto, they’re players and fans need it. But with that said, Tampa looks just as strong as they have in the past 2 years so it’s hard not to say it’s gonna be them sadly.
  5. 1. Well, being one of those new players I hope to make an impact on the ice and in the locker room. I’m looking forward to getting to know my new teammates and helping push for the playoffs. 2. We’re trending in the right direction, and since coming here we’ve managed to jump back into a playoff spot. Plenty of season left though, can’t get complacent, gotta see it out til the end. 4. I’d say Halifax, they’ve been nipping at our heels in the standings in my experience so far. 6. Well, through 6 games I have 1G 4A (5P), and a 60.92% FO, which I’m pretty proud of so far honestly. 7. Someone else said spooky scary skeletons, and I couldn’t agree more. 8. Water is wet, next question please. 9. Honestly I don’t have any suggestions so far. I’m still pretty new and I’ve had a bit of a mentor in Mason Jones, but everyone has been quite welcoming!
  6. Humble beginnings, your editing has gotten much stronger since this first one. Yet, very nice (for your first ) 8/10
  7. You killed it with this one, mine could almost use an upgrade Great work!! 10/10
  8. Dang, you knocked it out of the park on this one! I haven’t written my player review yet and this gave me inspiration for mine, but I still don’t think mine will compare. Very nice job!
  9. Player Information Username: dpowers49 Player Name: Dylan Powers Recruited From: Member (Was referred by Mason Jones) Age: 22 Position: C Height: 75 in. Weight: 190 lbs. Birthplace: United States of America Player Page @VHLM GM
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