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Everything posted by Baozi

  1. I don't have picks haha, I don't have a choice.
  2. I only edited it cuz my phone put in "U" instead of "I"
  3. I see your raise and call! I don't know which priority is higher. BRM S39 500k S40 500k Activate priority.
  4. Baozi


    Cuz she was too busy using her mouth for other things with MÉTIS rather than chatting
  5. Slobooooooo BRM : S39 400K S40 400K S41 400k
  6. Oh I'm fine with that. Well I raised to 450k, then Seth came and offered 500,425 so I raised to 500x2.
  7. Pretty sure anyone paying attention knows I haven't let any fa bidding get past 1 hour let alone 24 before responding or withdrawing. Especially since I've been chasing Bodnar since fa opened lol.
  8. Stop driving up the price u punk
  9. Correct, I changed it to 450k before 24 hours expired, then Seth rebid and I changed it again to 500k
  10. I was using the waiver priority list, is that out of date?
  11. I offered two years 400k after your two year 200k so Ithink you have to go above first? Where is corco we u need him. Edit : Oh nvm you edited your offer before I Re upped heh.
  12. I meant priority in terms of out bidding contracts in our case. If I started the bid at 400k,dont u need to go above it?
  13. BRM S39 - 500k S40 - 500k Priority is total dollars right? Or do I need to match term?
  14. Brampton uses their waiver priority.
  15. BRM Offers: S39 - 300k S40 - 300k S41 - 300K
  16. Who? I don't see him on the fa list.
  17. BRM Offers: S39 - 500k Waiver priority.
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