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Everything posted by Baozi

  1. HF is like any other board forum, it just has the most diverse one out there I think because it isn't team centric. I didn't ask for your opinion really I was just stating how useless your comment was for the conversation. I just hate when people mock specific forums thinking their own forum is far superior in knowledge, everyone is pretty much the same. The only place I stay away from is the trade section, because everyone over values their own players way too much.
  2. Well it's fan base like any other. It just happens to have lots of fans from all teams on the boards. Your opinion is no less or more credible than the next person on a fan forum really . But thanks for bringing some useful insight to the conversation.
  3. Eh no, I'm not anti hawk, I don't usually discriminate against teams if they are rivals. It just so happened to be the most games of Toews I've seen consecutively outside of intentional events or the regular season game here and there. Hawks depth and Kane were just way better than what wings had. Not to mention DD was out and he is a rock on the back end. The Hawks are an extremely well built team starting with Toews and Kane and Keith. Outside of goaltending I've never seen a weakness in their game in the Toews/Kane era. They are a mirror image of the early 2000 red Wings so I do enjoy watching them.
  4. Just saying, I'm not the only one that likes Getz more than Toews. But I grew up watching him play with the hitmen too mind you, so I'm a bit more familiar with the his game than Toews who I saw get trashd by Zetterberg.
  5. http://hfboards.hockeysfuture.com/showthread.php?p=77471513 Its not as clear cut as you guys may think. The HFBoards poll has Getzlaf as the preferred player slightly.
  6. Not that I don't agree with you, but you don't know that, you're just basing it on your opinion. It's a somewhat specious assumption.
  7. And you know what, I probably am And at the end of the day, I might be the one getting the short end of the stick
  8. We're not talking careers right now, we're just talking present time. Plus we are not looking at the entire body of work, just the statement that you think offensively there is very little difference but I believe there is a large difference. So here is what I was typing before my phone crashed. Getzlaf Top 5 PPG years 1.13, 1.12, 1.11, 1.06, 1.05 = 1.094 76+91+49+82+69 = 367 over Toews Top 5 PPG years 1.02, 0.97, 0.95, 0.89, 0.84 = 0.934 48+57+76+68+69= 318 Difference of 49 points or 15.4% Or if we pro-rate the PPG to 82 games it is 0.16 difference or 17% 15%-17% offense increase is fairly significant. If we look at this season alone, Getzlaf is at 1.2 and Toews at 0.98. That is a 22% difference. Toews playoff offense production vs Getzlaf is also hugely in Getzlaf favour on an point level. Yes I'm aware Toews has intangibles and faceoffs etc, but I'm speaking specifically on an offense level. So your question is, is there a signifcant offense difference? Yes Do I take this offensive advantage over the excellent two way play of Toews? Yes Toews might break out, who knows, I could change my opinion next year even. I'm just looking at currently, Getz who is in beast mode vs Toews...who is doing pretty good. Love them both. Slight edge because I like Get'z offense and its not like his defense is terrible, it is underrated and decent if not slightly above your average offensive center. Will Toews get better in the offense department? who knows, he has 4 years on Getzlaf to show it, but I doubt it given how proficient he is as a two way player.
  9. You're ignoring what I said completely. Take the top five point years each player has sofar. It shows that Getz has an much higher offensive peak. I'll show you when I get home, the difference is pretty significant.
  10. Fuck my phone crashed after typing. I'll explain more later if u want but I basically typed out their top five ppg years sofar. I'll re type after my hockey game. Look at their ppg in top five years. Getz is way ahead of Toews so the offensive margin is more than just a little bit. The reason why their career ppg is close is because Toews hit 60 points in his second season where it otook Getz 3 seasons. Also his 57 point season is a bit of an anomaly as his family member died that year. But if you look at offensive peaks, Getz has a significant advantage of having 5 or more ppg season and above whereas Toews only has one. The raw numbers from those peaks are also higher.
  11. I look more of it as excellent offense, average defense vs great offense and good defensive. Getz offense is a bit more than just slightly better. He is consistently better with 6+ seasons of ppg and more, he is currently riding a 1.2ppg pace. Toews has only ever been ppg once sofar and is ppg this season so it could be twice soon. My other thought is I can always get a defensive specialist at a much cheaper price so the extra tier in offense I put as a premium. Plus the power game Getzlaf has is pretty hard to find these days in a top tier player. An interesting comparison for the VHL is Smalling vs Rafter then.
  12. Wait what we can ask for PS numbers? Brb going to pm jardy to change my PS to 99.
  13. Selanne doesn't play with Getzlaf. The line is Penner, Getz and Perry. Though I'm not saying Toews is better necessarily. he did look really bad against my wings though. I just like Getzlaf skillset more than his.
  14. Well I finally scored again lol.
  15. Lol we went to hof plugging?
  16. This draft class looks real good for first gens.
  17. I'm pretty sure I never once said that I wouldn't want to be drafted by team X, though I think I made a fan 590 that said I'd like to goto a team that is already a contender. Obviously it didn't affect my decision to sign with NY anyways. It just seems extremely not me to do something like that, unless someone took it out of context I guess. All the teams that PMed me pre-draft I told I don't have issues with any of them and I'd gladly sign.
  18. What did I miss something? The only other thing Devil was asking about was if there was pay differences between 1st picks and the last picks. Then he asked if anyone pulled a Eli Manning ever, which you quoted a Lindros type movement which I inquired about since I shouldn't have been related to that comment.
  19. Huh since when? I've never pulled a Lindros. Terence Fong - Drafted by Avangard, signed there. Fujiwara - Drafted by Vasteras, signed there. Kanou - Drafted by Davos, signed there. Qin - Drafted by Davos, signed there.
  20. Well I was hoping they'd trade him to a different team or at the very least it meant I'd be getting Yak at a discounted value (which I did). He is starting to play better now but for now he remains a long term investment. I do a lot of trading when player value goes down and gamble on rebounds, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. But there is no denying I really want the Mackinnon trade as a mulligan lol. I do hope in gods name that Barkov will get to that same level so I can feel better about that mess up or at least I win the league this year.
  21. Jeezzzz I'm not getting any puck luck at all.
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