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Ozzy Batty

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Ozzy Batty last won the day on March 11 2023

Ozzy Batty had the most liked content!


About Ozzy Batty

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    Jess/Ozzy Batty

Profile Information

  • Player
    Ozzy Batty
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  • Location
    Hickory, NC
  • Interests
    spending time with my family, history, reading, history, gaming, history, traveling, history...did I mention I love history?

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Single Status Update

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  1. As we get closer to the M draft, I have had 5 teams reach out to me....and that is 5 more than I thought would be interested in me. It is nice to have the chance to be a part of this league again.

    Yall are good people and I am looking forward to making my mark here.

    1. jacobcarson877


      sounds like 5 teams too few! but any is always exciting.

    2. Masu Chan

      Masu Chan

      Happy to have you here! Also glad to hear that the M GM's are still awesome :D

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