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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. Kinda saw this coming, sadly. Took me all night to rig the result I wanted, but I just couldn't do it. Congrats, Quebec Poopte. Game 1 of the finals will come in 4-5 hours.
  2. Got 'em. Good series Cologne. Ya done good.
  3. Labatte gonna Lab
  4. Yeah, I tied the game with 25 seconds left, no big deal.
  5. #BruceWillisWasAGhostTheWholeTime
  6. They only needed a seven episode setup, but there was FINALLY some excitement with this show! Just watched the finale, that shit was bananas. How similar has the TV series been to the comics so far?
  7. Odin controls this series.
  8. How did Alex Rawnsley (a CPU) manage a +3?
  9. Pretty badly outplayed here. COME THE FUCK ON WRANGS
  10. 8. And maybe people don't like advertising personal sites or some shit. The Internet is dicks!
  11. The fuck is this shit.
  12. This is gonna be a tight series. DISCIPLINE IS THE NAME OF THE GAME THIS TIME BOYYYZZ
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