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Everything posted by JardyB10

  1. Look who's super popular! I'd probably pick Davos Seaworth, even though he's a fictional character.
  2. I'd also buy VHL brand cologne, imagine the bitches that would flock! "You smell like pure sexual raw power!" "That's my VHL brand Maximum Destiny cologne baby. Made for YOUR pleasure."
  4. seattle six such glory wow And I prefer them to be a little difficult. Really separates the men from the boys. tfong is clearly a boy.
  5. True story. I was reeling on this one last night when it came up, looking at some notable failures. Then this morning I was writing a final and in the middle I had a completely out of left field random epiphany: "Hey! I forgot to seek out the number 5!" Then I waited until 5:00pm to be fitting and lo and behold there it was.
  6. Are we talking about jersey logos or like, country logos? Like, Saskatoon has this: So in Romanian TV advertisements we'll be like, COME TO FUCKING CANADA! It Ain't Even That Bad! ?
  7. Took me a while, but I finally got it. Your bonus hint doesn't really make sense, but it did inadvertently help me get it, haha. I immediately thought "asshats."
  8. Yeah I don't even know what this thread is about (other than the OP). Sterling's penis size? Probably a 27A.
  9. Only if we go to the farm. I wouldn't recommend it, it's honestly probably one of the worst places to be in winter.
  10. The sim always generates one of these, I generally just forget bother to output it because I'm always in auto-pilot and the logical window is only after I finish simming playoffs. Other than that, I wouldn't think to randomly output things in the off-season.
  11. Go away we don't want you here. loljk
  12. We'll go tobagganing with hot chocolate and Bailey's. No I don't know if the latter is a tasty combination, but I'm sure it is.
  13. My third vote probably would have went to Lindberg if he was on there over Lebedev... Or even LeBeau if captaincy on goalies wasn't silly.
  14. It can be in a thread. And (spoiler alert), it totally is today. I think he just meant it's on this specific Invisionzone forum, and will never show up on the Invisionfree forum.
  15. Oh hey, an Option #3 just came up! Also known as the Jerry Seinfeld method: - Ignore it all and take off to Calgary for brother's Christmas party, avoiding all confrontation. I probably won't do that one.
  16. This makes me feel slightly better about the game. Congrats mah nerga.
  17. http://www.vhlsim.net/VHL35-Playoffs/VHL35-PLF-Awards.html
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