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Everything posted by VattghernCZ

  1. Juan Ceson is a name that needs no introduction, no matter what team(s) you follow. Standing at 5'5" tiptoeing in his skates, the Andorra born defenseman started building his reputation of one of the toughest, most ruthless defensive defensemen in the VHLM soon after being drafted. His style of play combined with his personality quickly earned him his status of fan favorite and one of the most highly regarded leaders in the league. In total, he has played 359 regular season games in the VHLM, 315 of which he played in the Aces uniform - including the 85th season. In said season, he played all 72 games and apart from career-high 108 penalty minutes, mostly credited to his growing relationship with Jeid Rohnson, nothing about it stood out compared to the rest of his career. But for rhe Aces organization, Juan's season was record breaking. Going into the 85th season, franchise all-time games played record was held in a 3-way tie by Mr Shakedown (S55-S58), Patric Twist (S79-S82) and Angel Wachiure (S73-S76) with 288. 41 games into the season, Juan Ceson tied their record and continued on making his own. And as for all-time hits, going into last season, the record holder was Alex Toon (S78-S80) with 745. For Juan, sitting at 585 hits of his own, it proved to be no challenge to break the record with a 254 hit season. Juan Ceson is now the sole holder of franchise all-time records in games played (315), +/- (171) and hits (839). A record he may be looking to break in the future is the PIM record of 382 held by Alex Toon. With his 310 PIMs, all he needs is Juan more Ceson to break it.
  2. Las Vegas Aces took 2-0 lead in the series against the Marlins, but after 4 games, the series is tied. On the paper, the Aces are stronger team and should have the upper hand, but the amount of penalties against them is holding them back. Even though their penalty kill is stellar, beaten only once this series so far, being a player down limits the Aces' chance to poduce offense. Let's compare penalties againat them to penalties against the Marlins. Game 1 LVA: Antoine Barksdale 2:00, Kronchy Kardashian 2:00, Kronchy Kardashian 0:02, Jens Lekman 2:00. Total 6:02, 10.06% of the total play time. SDM: Jack Jeckler 1:41, D4 2:00. Total 3:41, 6.14% of the total play time. Game 2 LVA: Kronchy Kardashian 2:00, Larry Abass Jr 2:00, Kobe Johnson 2:00, Jens Lekman 2:00, Hayden Bromley 2:00, Laytin Cupp 2:00. Total 12:00, 20% of the total play time. SDM: Zlatan Ibrahimovic 2:00, Jack Jeckler 2:00, Adam Rage 2:00, BeauDC 1:02, D2 2:00. Total 9:02, 15.06% of the total play time. Game 3 LVA: Grunkle Stan-Dingyouup 2:00, Jens Lekman 2:00, Robert Overmeyer 2:00, Larry Abass Jr 2:00. Total 8:00, 13.33% of the total play time. SDM: Vincent Laroche-Gagnier 2:00, Vincent Laroche-Gagnier 2:00, Steve Lattimer 2:00, Frank Forsberg 2:00. Total 8:00, 13.33% of the total play time. Game 4 LVA: Kronchy Kardashian 2:00, Kobe Johnson 2:00, Juan Ceson 2:00, Sigma Freud 2:00, Laytin Cupp 2:00, Antoine Barksdale 2:00, Edward Traverse 2:00, Jens Lekman 2:00. Total 16:00, 26.67% of the total play time. SDM: D2 2:00, 3.33% of the total play time. In games 1, 2 and 4 the Aces were the more penalized team, with especially game 4 standing out. In game 3, their penalty minutes were tied. On average, the Aces' players have been spending 10:31 in the penalty box every game, that's whopping 17.51% of the total play time with man down. That's almost doubling the 5:41 (9.47% of the total play time) the Marlins' players have been. Adjusting this area of the game would greatly improve the Aces' chance to win the series as they have definitely had the upper hand at even strength.
  3. With their 5-2 win against Halifax, the Marauders are the first team to advance to the second round after completing a sweep. Halifax was up 1-0 after fairly even, low offense first period. In the second, Miami dominated the game, almost tripling Halifax shots total, but with only one goal to show thanks to Ash Spark's stellar goaltending. Unfortunately for the 21sts, Ash wasn't able to build on his performance and despite steong game on both sides, the Marauders outscored the 21sts 4-1 in the final period. Great game by Rick Grimes, who assisted on 3 of the 5 Marauders' goals.
  4. Hello once again, thank you for making yourself available for this videocall. My treat, it's nice to hear my native language once in a while. What a season for the Aces. So...how do you feel? Mostly, I'm grateful for the opportunity to be a part of such a strong, cohesive team. I don't think we could have been this successful if we didn't stick together and have this team first mentality the front office has installed in us. We're all buying in. Being a part of such a special group of guys is an invaluable experience to start off my career. What was the most memorable moment of the season for you? On the ice? Of course scoring my first goal has to be up there, but I guess scoring 7 points in a game against the Hounds tops that. Everyone on the team did everything right that game and we were just having fun. Poor Hounds, man. Off the ice, the pizza party we had mid season was fun, though the guys were not happy about my pineapple pizza and Juan wouldn't stop talking about mushroom crisps. Was a pizza party really more memorable than being arrested, having a brawl with bots or getting kidnapped by Juan? Now that you talk about it... But we're cool with Juan. I'm actually at his place right now. He dedicated a space for me in this cupboard with Shindigs nametag. It's kinda cozy, I feel safe in here. Wait, he's still holding you hostage? How do you keep playing games? That's our little secret. Beep beep. Let's just...not dig into that. Looking back at your season, you were among the league's most penalised players for a stretch, what was that about? Well, the adjustment from european beer league hockey to the M was tough. I guess I was just getting a bit too frustrated about not really finding success straight away. And those refs, they see everything. But at least I was able to put the time on the bench to good use, I've been talking Juan.up in front of Jeid a little bit. They've got great chemistry, it's cute. But you've found your scoring touch eventually. Aren't you disappointed the 100-point mark eluded you by just 3 points? It would be cool to reach it, but we're the top VHLM team, I'm not honna bit*h and moan about individual stats. I'm always bringing the best I can and I think my line is working great. Also, Kirill Kaprizov wears number 97, I take it as a sign he will win Hart this season. But now the regular season is over. How do you feel going into the playoffs? Are you confident in your team? Oh absolutely! I feel the most focused, energized and ready I've ever felt! And I think most of our guys feel the same way. I'm 100% confident we can take on any team, our depth is as good as anyone's, and we've got stars on every position. It's threepeat or bust! Shindigs has to leave the Aces with a proper bang. And what's your plans for the next season? Will your postseason success have a say in it? No. I've talked about my future with Shindigs and a few guys and we've come to the conclusion it would be best for my development to leave for the E next year. I'm gonna miss the guys, we've really.got something special here, but that's being a professional athlete. A few our guys are in the same draft class as I am, so perhaps I'll meet them again really soon. That would be great. I'm afraid our time's up, so once again thank you for your time, and I wish you and your team succes in the postseason. It was my pleasure. I have a feeling you're gonna bother me again pretty soon, so talk to you soon. Word count: 648
  5. 1. It's cool to get this recognition, let's just not let it get in our heads too much. The most important games are ahead of us, not behind us. 2. At this time, any matchup is tough. But I believe we've got both depth and star power to take on anyone, I'm confident in our chances. 3. I think Juan is more of the type to be proposed, rather than to propose himself. I'd perhaps suggest Jeid to hide a ring in an Oreo cookie next time Juan is in the box? 4. Oh hell yeah, can't wait for the first game. Being European, I've taken Friday off to watch it, it's a standard 2 a.m. game for me. 5. Of course Kirill Kaprizov, mostly because I'm biased af. Even though us, the Wild fans, know the true MVP is Moose. 6. Flames vs Hurricanes, Canes in 6.
  6. It looks like Juan Ceson didn't take the IKEA parking lot incident as a defeat. After his army of IKEA bots had been destroyed by the rest of the team and Tre Kronor legends, he retreated back into the depths of flat pack furniture storage maze. The night after, sitting in a POÄNG armchair and stress eating HUVUDROLL, he devised next step of his conquest. He needed to start targeting the Aces players one by one, he knew he couldn't get them all at once. Not with Shindigs around. He whipped out his flip phone and opened a conversation with Wann Kerr, the most naive and impressionable one. hey wanna hang out? im at ikea idk, it's kinda weird after what happened the other day, you know... ive got a crate of bernard beer damn bro that's all you had to say! That was easy, Juan thought. Not even twenty minutes later, he heard an engine revving and tires sqealing. In the CCTV monitor, he could see a motorbike approaching the entrance through dimly lit parking lot. He immediately recognized Wann Kerr's old Jawa bike. A smirk appeared on his face as he unlocked the automatic door and hid just out of sight, with a hockey stick in his hand and a few pucks lined up in front of him. A dark figure with a motorcycle helmet in their hand entered the darkened store. "Juan? Where's the beer? I hope it's cold, I'm thirsty as..." Juan never found out what was Wann Kerr thirsty as, as his sentence was cut short by a puck hitting his cranium and his consciousness waving him goodbye. If only Juan's teammates knew he could snipe like that. Wann Kerr missed a team practice the next day. Shindigs received a text from Wann Kerr's phone saying he doesn't feel good. Kerr was able to made it to the next game, but there was something sifferent about him. It was like his eyes have lost the spark, they were almost mechanical. If you listened closely, you could hear metallic clicking and clacking with every Wann Kerr's move, and no one has seen him eat or drink anything since. Juan smiled, seeing "Wann Kerr" score 7 points against the Hounds.
  7. 1. It's gonna be a tough battle for the top spot, especially with our blue line taking a massive hit by losing Grigoris. I try to not think about the standings that muchy it's the postseason that truly matters. 2. If we find a way to convert powerplays at higher rate, anything is possible. He's a stud. 3. I think he already *has* taken over Vegas, we just don't know it yet. 4. As much as I'd love to say yes, I don't think it's really sustainable. Hockey is weird. A few unlucky bounces, a random godlike performance by the opposung netminder and there goes the undefeated record. 5. Excited or nervous? Why not both! It's gonna be a fun event celebrating hockey for sure. 6. I'm really on the fence with my expectations about the Wild. While I support the decision, trading Fiala for magic beans is a massive hit for the following season, he's arguably the third or fourth most dynamic forward in the franchise history. I expect slow start, mostly because Kaprizov has been known for cold starts basically his entire pro career.
  8. Wann Kerr, an S86 VHL draft prospect now playing for the Las Vegas Aces, is showing his creative side off the ice as he's planning to leave his mark on the Aces for years to come. Even though scoring 61 points in 49 games so far this season is an admirable number, his on-ice performance is hardly a feat to be heralded. Instead, Wann Kerr chose to go a different route. In a translation of his interview for a czech sports journal, you can read Wann Kerr is a passionate musician playing multiple instruments. In a recent podcast he was a guest in, he was jokingly saying the team could save some money using royalty-free music as their goal song, which would really come in handy with Juan Ceson treating team funds as his salary. He played some sneak peaks of a few work-in-progress versions of potential goal songs in said podcast. Even though his passion and musicianship are evident in those songs, it's hard to say if doom metal, grind core, technical death metal or depressive suicidal black metal would really work as a hockey goal song. Anyway, the ultimate decision will be on the team management and fans this next offseason.
  9. I see... I was writing this more in a view of going for the threepeat without *totally* screwing up the next GM anyway lol Yea, it was my typo I've already fixed...
  10. Back to back VHLM champions Las Vegas Aces are now facing a once in a lifetime opportunity - achieving the first ever VHLM threepeat. The one asked to direct such a feat is none other than Shindigs. As we're approaching this season's trade deadline, let's look back and reflect on his season so far. At the draft table The dispersal draft is arguably the most crucial step for the success of any VHLM team. Shindigs's job was made harder by the lack of 1st round pick, but multiple late rounds picks gave him more shots at potential draft steals. Let's look at each of his selections, their stats and their starting and current TPE. Round 2, 13th overall: Joel Castle (G; 171 224 TPE). Nothing wrong with drafting a great earner goalie close to 200 TPA cap in the second. With .912 SVS%, 2.39 GAA ans 5 shutouts in 36 games played, and with most of the hardest matchups already behind them, he should be in the Benoit Devereux Trophy conversation when all is said and done. Round 2, 16th overall: Jens Lekman (D; 88 150 TPE). Second lowest TPE player drafted in the second round, but one of the better earners of the whole draft. Scoring 28 points (4+24) in 43 makes him the highest scoring Aces defenseman. Round 2, 20th overall: Antoine Barksdale (C; 125 204 TPE). With his.last 2nd round selection, Shindigs took another player with TPE on the lower side compared to other 2nd rounders, but one of the best earners of the draft class. Sensing a pattern? What a steal by Shindigs. Round 3, 23th overall: Sigma Freud (D; 76 119 TPE). A defender with one of tht best names in the draft class. He's probably not developing as quickly as Shindigs hoped he would, but he's still an active, very solid contributor on the Aces' blue line. Round 4, 31st overall: Kobe Johnson (RW; 90 109 TPE). A nice depth player to round out the forward group, but not really tipping the scales.on ice at this point. Round 4, 33rd overall: Wann Kerr (C; 76 156 TPE). Okay, I'm biased towards my player, let's just say it's a 4th round selection who's grown 80 TPE since the draft and is poised to hit 200 TPE in the postseason. Round 4, 36th overall; Grigoris Polyhronidis Jr (D; 129 151 TPE). A solid bet on higher TPE defenseman. He's established himself as a strong sefensive force. Unfortunately, there have been some rumors about losing him due to inactivity, but that's hardly something a GM can predict. Round 7, 70th overall: Shadow Thompson (G; 48 78). Drafting an active player with the last pick of the draft has to be a hit by default. He's showing glimpses of some upside and solid growth eatly in his career. Efen though he's not a part of the LVA organisation anymore, we're just looking at the draft selections themselves in this section, and it was a pretty good one. All things considered, Shindigs did a great job drafting and scouting. Acquiring 2 players who have already capped at 200 TPE and a couple more players potentially doing so before the past puck drop of the postseason - without having a 1st round selection at his disposal - is a marvelous example of great scouting. Trading (Note: trades involving S85 draft picks are not included in this article) Pick trades are worth mentioning, but they're ultimately non-factors for this season. LVA has acquired S86 SDM 3rd in exchange for S87 LVA 3rd and 6th; this trade took place to improve LVA's position in the S86 draft, after Shindigs's planned departure. The only trade including a player Shindigs made this season so far is trading Shadow Thompson to Houston for their S86 6th round draft pick. Shadow looked really promising and probably deserves the opportunity to get more ice time than he would get backing up Joel Castle. Trading him to get another S86 draft pick was the right call. 6th rounder is a better value than 7th rounder Thompson was selected with, however with the promise he's shown, I believe acquiring maybe a 5th rounder would be doable. Waiver pickups Waiver pickups are basically always a win in this league. Shindigs was able to sign Viktor Hasek (goaltender) and Edward Traverse (defenseman), both are well on the track to become good earners and high S86 VHLM draft picks. And especially Viktor is really active in the locker room. Overall grade: A- Word count: 754 Claiming 6 uncapped for week ending 10/2, and 6 capped for week ending 10/9 as allowed by the theme week topic, because I'm currently claiming TPE from multi-week MP.
  11. 1. Oh hell yeah, it was only a matter of time before we get there, and we're only getting better. 2. Oh, so that's why our penalty box glass is so heavily tinted. It's great for the team, now I see why Juan always looks so refreshed and motivated after every penalty. 3. Excuse me? I'm out of the loop here, I must admit I haven't been spending much time in the locker room lately. 4. NFL, that's american football, right? Or as I like to call it, rugball. No idea, I don't watch it. 5. I think the management has created a great environment for everyone. They keep us all informed and engaged, there's really not much more they can do. To keep it alive and going, that's really up to all of us. 6. Hitting my OV and DC targets (67 and 47 respectively) and putting the rest in FO.
  12. Goaltending, defense, offense, it all came together for the Wild in their game against the Kings. Alexander Minion in the net definitely deserved being named the third star of the game after making 24 saves on 25 shots. The defense played solid two periods - only allowing 22 shots combined - before absolutely suffocating any resemblance of offense in the Kings' side, allowing just three shots in the final period. After scoring two goals in the first period and a scoreless second, Mats Zuccarello and Olli McGee led the charge, both scoring 3 points (1+2, 2+1 respectively) to put the game far from reach.
  13. Pretty lopsided game between Lynx and Marlins. Lynx were consistently cutting through the Marlins' defense and outshooting them in every period, with the final shots count being 49-15 and the final score 4-2. Very solid performance by Lachlan Summers, the Marlins goalie, and an off game by Fuukka Rask, the Lynx goalie, kept the score closer than what the skaters' play would suggest. Even though Lachlan Summers wasn't among the game's three stars officialy, I think he should have been - for keeping the game within reach until the end.
  14. 1. Man, I'm sick of being in the 4th! And I'm sick of playing Mexico City over and over again! I hate mexican food, it's all just refried sick with cheese. And I hate border inspections because...reasons. Sorry, I'm off topic. Yea, let's climb to the 3rd next week. I have no doubts our team can finish first in the conference, it's just a matter of time when we start rising. 2. He's a professional, I believe off-ice issues will have no negative impact on his game. 3. We outplayed them, but Bill Nye The Puck Stopping Guy just said nope. And we weren't able to stay away from the penalty box - I personally didn't help - plus few unfortunate puck bounces in our crease and that's it. That's hockey. 4. Definitely, it's great to see him getting more comfortable playing behind our defense, having two dependable goalies will give us an edge later in the season and postseason. 5. Why didn't the front office just yell at the bot? I think Juan already makes enough money from his IKEA stores, maybe we could use the money to contract a catering company instead? 6. Other than enjoying bowel issues thanks to Mexican cuisine? I was at home, just chilling and chatting with my family back in Czechia.
  15. Despite what appears to be a shaky start of the season - and ceases to appear as shaky after a quick glance at the schedule - core players of Las Vegas Aces are performing well, and new players are displaying promising growth. One of the new faces is Wann Kerr, a forward who's currently second highest scoring player on the team with 8 goals and 22 points in 20 games, arguably becoming one of the core players. But the stat worth paying close attention is his penalties in minutes. With 26 minutes, he's tied for the team lead with Juan Ceson, a defender known for his physical play. League-wise, he's tied for the fifth place with aforementioned Aces' captain Juan Ceson and with Big Daddy, another defenseman.known.for his physical play and dropping gloves. But in Kerr's case, the penalties don't come as 5-minute majors for fighting, or for crossing the line with body checking. He's far from being a physical player. They mostly come from lack of discipline with his stick. In his own words, he strives to be a two-way forward and a penalty kill asset. But you can't be a penalty killing asset when you're the one in the box. Maybe it's the adjustment from european beer league to professional north American hockey, maybe he's just following the captain's lead too avidly. But for the kind of player he is, it's imperative for him to address this issue to reach his potential.
  16. 1. We're still finding our rhythm, and our guys are working hard do get better. We're gonna be fine at the time when it will matter the most - in the postseason. 2. CBBE attempting to tell me he's got all the IKEAs - in czech, has to be up there. 3. That's really irresponsible, but at least it's a great opportunity to distribute our merch. Hopefully Shinding will get some discount. 4. Well, you could perhaps not allow Juan manipulate with team funds as he pleases! 5. If we can keep supporting him with solid defense, definitely. He's got everything to be in the Devereux Trophy conversation. 6. Of course Overmeyer and Barksdale are having amazing starts, and they both could have had 2 or 3 more goals already, but my black horse is Larry Abass Jr, the guy is an absolute beauty.
  17. On September 8 at 11:39 p.m., the Las Vegas police department was informed by a security guard about an apparently drunk man urinating on one of the front entrances of T-Mobile Arena in Paradise, Las Vegas metro. A few passerbys were able to snap some photos and upload them on social media. In the photos, you can see a man wearing a Minnesota Wild jersey with 2021 playoff patch doing the deed. When the police arrived on scene, the suspect was still in the area, throwing empty beer cans at the building. The susoect's identity was later confirmed to be Wann Kerr, a Las Vegas Aces forward. For his childish antics, he's facing public urinating, indecent exposure, public intoxication and littering charges and up to $3,500 fine. On his social media, Wann Kerr posted "what needed to be done was done, I can now be in peace" message. Whether it can be interpreted as an apology or not, that's up to you to decide.
  18. Nah, just having fun lol
  19. What an offensive explosion by the Lynx, shadowed maybe only by the stellar goaltending on both sides. The Lynx established on-ice dominance in the first period, peppering Alexander Minion with 23 shots, but only Saddie St-Louis was able to beat the goalie to give the Lynx 1-0 lead. The Wild were looking to build up on their goaltender's first period heroics, but they were down by 3 in the 14th minute already, before being able to answer with one goal in the 15th minute. But they weren't able to build up any momentum as John Richards put the Lynx up by 3 again with his 2nd goal of the period. In the third period, Alexander Minion looked like he's already forgotten the not-so-good second period and eliminated all the 16 shots coming his way. But unfortunately, his team was only able to score once on Fuukka Rask, when Nick Trash put the game within reach with 2:13 left. Final score, 4-2 and what a W for the Lynx, having the upper hand in shots 55-29.
  20. Without previous experience in professional ice hockey, Wann Kerr was claimed by the Ottawa Lynx of the VHLM just three games before the end of the regular season. His work ethic and scoring 8 points - of which 3 were goals - in 10 games during Ottawa's playoff run were enough for him to be drafted 33rd overall by Las Vegas Aces of the VHLM and securing himself a left wing spot on the second line to start the season. Vitals - Place of birth: Karlovy Vary, Czechia - Center/Left Wing - shoots left - Height 5'9", weight 189lbs Skating and puck control Wann Kerr's skating is average among other prospect in the draft class. He's fairly strong compared to his peers, which combined with his low center of gravity it makes him hard to knock of the puck. His lower body strength and his edgework also suggest his skating will get better with good coaching working on his technique, and could one day be one of his strengths. On the other hand, at this point in his career his legs often operate faster than his hands, leading to unnecessary turnovers. But working on puck control drills, he should be able to adjust this area of his game before the VHL draft, he's already shown some improvements. Offensive game On the VHLM level, Wann Kerr relies on his solid vision and hockey IQ to create offense. But other than that, his offensive skillset is pretty raw - both on passing and shooting side, which raises some questions about how will his offense translate to higher levels of competition. His offense in top leagues might be limited to scoring on rebounds and deflections, and generating low percentage shots to create secondary scoring chances. Defensive game and physicallity Defense in the strongest part of Wann Kerr's game. He relies on his great defensive instincts to always be in the right position and to anticipate opponents' offensive plays, and his great defensive stick and physical strength to steer the opponents away from the slot. But occassionally he gets outmuscled by bigger opponents. He uses unconventionally long stick for his size, making his reach deceptively long, allowing him to be very effective in poke checking and gaining puck possession in the defensive zone. Working on his skating will allow him to cover more area and to keep up with quicker pace of higher leagues. Talking about physicallity, Wann Kerr is not a big bodychecker. He's strong enough to be effective along the boards and in front of the net, but he rarely goes for an open ice hit. Projection With already very solid defensive basics to build on and the work ethics he's showing on VHLM level, Wann Kerr should be a low risk pick with safe floor as a VHL shutdown specialist. But his size, average skating abilities at this point, and questions about his offensive potential will probably keep him away from being a top 2 rounds selection. But if he manages to find ways to contribute to offense more without sacrificing defense, it's not that far-fetched to see him competing for the Scott Boulet Award one day.
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